Last updated on February 23, 2024
Starting in 1985 Apple began publishing a Newsletter for Apple Certified Developers. The newsletter was initially called Outside Macintosh, then Outside Apple, then Apple Direct, and finally renamed Apple Directions. These newsletters were available to subscribers of Apple’s Developer Services. I’ve found these newsletters, in addition to TibBITs, and other newsletters on the internet archive to be very useful providing descriptions and timelines for Apple’s products and services.
NOTE: see my Macintosh Reference Documentation post for other information sources.
I learned of the existence of these newsletters when I was searching for information about when Apple launched it’s public FTP site and website. I found most of these issues for Apple Direct and Apple Directions on Apple’s Developer CDs with descriptions of their content in HyperCard decks on the CDs.
Outside Macintosh 1985 to 1986: Apple’s Newsletter for Certified Developers
I haven’t been able to find much information on this newsletter other than there are some issues available in the Online Archive of California, and some of it’s articles being reprinted in MacDeveloper’s Issue #1 (1985/05/03), Issue #2 (1985/06/07), Issue #3 (1985/07/05), Issue #5 (1985/11/1).
Outside Apple 1986 to 1988
Outside Apple was a 16-page monthly newsletter that was sent to all Apple Certified Developers (approximately 5,000) and some apple employees in the Product Development and Marketing groups. The purpose of the newsletter was to act as a communication vehicle between Apple Computer and the developer community. Most of the articles in the newsletter were written by Apple employees, with regular columns from the Software Product Management, Market Intelligence, and International groups. (information from Apple’s February 1st, 1987 Information Exchange binder).
I’m assuming that the name Outside Apple was chosen because of the series of technical resource documents called Inside Apple published by Apple for use by Apple Certified Developers.
Unfortunately I have not been able to find any copies of Outside Apple, but did find out that the Online Archive of California has copies.
Apple Direct 1988 to 1993 : An Information Resource from Apple Developer Services
The Appledirect Newsletter replaced the Outside Apple Newsletter starting October 1st, 1988. Appledirect was a 24-page monthly newsletter that was sent to all Apple Certified Developers and several hundred Apple employees in the Product Development and Marketing groups. The newsletter acted as a communications vehicle between Apple Computer and the developer community, covering both technical and marketing trends and issues. Most of the articles and columns were written by Apple staff, but Appledirect also accepted certain types of outside contributions. (information from Apple’s October 1st, 1988 Information Exchange binder)
Unfortunately I have not been able to find any issues earlier than 1990.
1990 Distributing Software, Apple II installed base
I was able to find scan of the 1990 June and July editions of Apple Direct on the internet, and electronic versions of some of the articles from other issues on early releases of Apple’s Developer CDs
- 1990-04: Reaching the Apple II installed base, Cautions Site License Ahead (Part 1)
- 1990-05: Building a Site Licensing (Part 2), the Gray Market Blues
- 1990-06: June 1990 Vol.2 No.9
- 1990-07: July 1990 Vol.2 No.10
- 1990-08: How to pick a PR agency, Managing the Customer’s Expectations
- 1990-09: do not have any articles.
- 1990-10: Hiring Professional Management, Mac Beats Windows
- 1990-11: How to choose an Ad Agency, Distributing your software in Japan
- 1990-12: The Age of Discovery: The K-12 Market
1991 PowerBooks, Quadra systems, Classic II, A/UX Evolving to PowerOpen
- 1991-01: Planning Products for the Classic
- 1991-02: Creating Info Products
- 1991-03: Wanted: Low Cost Software
- 1991-04: Negotiating Distribution Agreements, Global Product Launch, International Business Basics
- 1991-05: How to Discourage Piracy, Pacific Market Opportunities
- 1991-06: do not have any articles
- 1991-07: Mac or Windows, Market Research Primer, Setting up a Subsidiary
- 1991-08: Writing a Questionnaire
- 1991-09: do not have any articles
- 1991-10: October 1991
- Main Articles: New product coverage (PowerBooks, Quadra systems, Classic II, OneScanner, new LaserWriters, AppleTalk Remote Access, AppleShare 3.0. 21″ monitor.
- News: Apple/IBM update; New DU debugging course; Apple’s antipiracy campaign; QuickTime apps AppleLink address and discussion board; New APDA products
- TOG: His personal tale of facing rationalization, assumption and denial
- Marketing: How to Get Product Reviews, by John Pearce, MediaMap; Serving High-end Users, by Peter Warren of Quark; Pacific Market Forum 1992; event calendar through December; It Shipped
- 1991-11: November 1991
- Main Articles: Notebooks: Now What? (How to take advantage of opportunities in the notebook market)
- News: New Data on Piracy; QuickTime Goes Final; Apple/IBM Deal’s First New Product; Apple Announces O.C.E.; Developers Involved in New-product Intros; Tell Evangelism about Your System 7 App; BSA Piracy Hotline; Dev. U. Training Available from 3rd Parties; New APDA products
- TOG: Empowering the User, Not the Program
- Data Points: Macintosh Quadras Fastest in Ingram Tests; AppleLink Usage in the DTS Folder
- Marketing: Comparison Advertising, by Dee Kiamy; The Anatomy of Good Customer Support, by Marsha Terry of WordPerfect; SPA Releases New Channel Guide; event calendar through December
- 1991-12: December 1991
- Main Articles: What’s in Store for ’92, by Kirk Loevner, Director of the Apple Developer Group
- News: New & Improved Inside Mac; Feedback Wanted on New Mailing; A/UX Evolving to PowerOpen; Developer Events at Macworld; MacHack Call for Papers; DSBB Gets New Folder Layout; New Macintosh Services Directory; Speakers’ Bureau Up and Running; CD Highlights; Update on Apple’s Antipiracy Campaign; New APDA products
- TOG: High-Altitude Computing
- Data Points: PowerBook’s Rated Most Useful in Independent Tests; Apple’s Total Developer Base Worlwide = 28,000
- Marketing: The Upgrade Black Hole: Why some upgrade campaigns get stalled, by Jordan Levy; Compatibility Testing: The right way, the right time, by Mike Taber and Karyn Taylor of Bröderbund.
1992 AppleShare 3.0, AppleTalk Remote Access, QuickTime 1.5
- 1992-01: January 1992
- Main Articles: AppleTalk Remote Access and AppleShare 3.0
- News: Tools Advisor from Developer Univ.;
- AppleLink 9600 Baud Access; System 7 Gets a Tune-up; QuickTime Rolls Out at Macworld Expo; Apple Joins the Business Software Alliance; New APDA products
- TOG: First the Column, Now the Book (TOG on Interface by Bruce “TOG” Tognazzini)
- Market Insight: Mac Unit Sales Outstrip the Industry
- Marketing: The 10 Most Common Product Launch Mistakes; and How to Set up a Site Licensing Program, by On Technology; Marketing Do’s and Don’ts Guide from the SPA; Apple’s SPA Activities
- 1992-02: February 1992
- Main Articles: MacApp 3.0
- News: Apple Event Registry, Apple II Tools Source, CD Highlights/Feb. ’92, Now Available From Apple, Pacific Market Tapes Available, QuickTime Goes Cross-Platform, QuickTime Supporters at Macworld, Software Protection in China
- Business & Marketing: What’s Your Product About?, Keeping Your Customer Focus, GetNextEvent, Apple Activities at SPA, Market Insight: Mac Installed Base Exceeds 6.9 Million, It Shipped!, Developer Resources
- TOG: A View(er) on the Paperless Office
- 1992-03: March 1992
- Main Articles: The Ways and Means to Fight Piracy
- NEWS: System Software Preview; Japanese Developers Conference; CPUs, Printers, CD-ROM Products; Board Named for Taligent; New CD’s Available; CD Highlights; It Shipped!; Now Available From Apple; Apple Publishes Font Strategy
- Developer Resources: International APDA Programs
- Business & Marketing: Influencing Opinion Leaders; Publishing a Customer Newsletter; Market Insight: Apple Increases Microcomputer Desktop Market Share
- TOG: Creating Software That Sells
- 1992-04: April 1992
- Main Articles: Blueprint for the Macintosh: Details from the System Software Forum
- News: Developer Support Center; Now available from Apple; CD Highlights; Developer Conferences Outside the U.S.; Developing on the Mac Brochure; Digital/Apple Europe agreement; Europe Antipiracy Issues; Intro News CD Correction; It Shipped!; MacApp Dynamic Linking; Macworld Tokyo; New Merchandising Program
- TOG: Creating Software That Sells, Part 2
- MARKET INSIGHT: Mac Application Sales Increase 47 Percent
- Marketing: Finding Your Voice: A Public Speaking Primer for Developers
- Developer Outlook: Taking Your Application To Another Platform
- 1992-05: May 1992
- Main Articles: Imaging in the 90s, O.C.E., Transition to Scripting, World Ready System 7
- News: CD Highlights, Developer University Courses, Free PowerBook Battery Case, Goodbye to Tog, Hot Product Discount, IIGS Upgrades, It Shipped!, MacApp Discussion, Macintosh PC Exchange, New Business and Marketing Services, New Networking Course, Now Available From Apple, WWDC Tapes Available
- Marketing: Crossing the Chasm
- Developer Outlook: How Direct Mail Saved Us
- Market Research Quarterly: The Global Macintosh Installed Base, Slicing the Market by Product, In-Depth Market Research Data Now Available in APPLE DIRECT
- 1992-06: June 1992
- Main Articles: Antipiracy Technologies, Apple Announces Newton, Macintosh Quadra
- News: New AppleLink Program, For Developers Interested in Native PowerPC Applications, Editor’s Note, A/UX 3.0, CD Highlights, It Shipped!, New Fulfillment Site for Hardware, APDA Hot Product, Now Available from APDA, License Service API, WWDC Tapes, Mexico Dev. Seminar
- MARKETING: Good Demos Sell Software
- 1992-07: July 1992
- Main Articles: PowerPC, Cross-Platform Development Framework, VITAL, Multimedia PDAs
- News: Software Business Councils, ADG-Japan, APDA Hot Product, APDA Top Ten, CD Highlights, Editor’s Note, Human Interface, It Shipped, MacHack, MacWorld, New Tech Notes, Now Available from APDA, Comarketing with Apple, Sales & Distribution, VIM
- Marketing: Cross Marketing in Education
- 1992-08: August 1992
- Main Articles: New Inside Macintosh, Apple and Microsoft announcement, PowerBook 145, At Ease
- News: develop Magazine, New Books, Editor’s note, New Developer University Course, CD Highlights, Human Interface, New Communications Products, APDA Info
- Marketing: How To Cross Market to Education, International Development Success Stories
- 1992-09: September 1992
- Main Articles: Performa, International Resources, PhotoCD
- News: Developers’ Feedback About WWDC, Changes to Q & As, Macworld T& I Conference, AppleLink Technical Libraries, APDA Info, Pacific News, CD Highlights, Human Interface, Editor’s Note
- Marketing: Ten Commandments of Packaging, Taking a Single Product Into Multiple Markets
- 1992-10: October 1992
- Main Articles: New Products Strategy, PowerBook 160 and 180, Macintosh Duo System, System 7.1, Macintosh IIvi and IIvx, KanjiTalk 7
- News: DAL Server for AS/400, APDA Moves, DSC AppleLink address changes
- Marketing: How Distributors Evaluate Products, Apple #1 in the home
- 1992-11/12: November-December 1992
- Main Articles: QuickTime 1.5, New System Software Licensing Policy
- News: New Multimedia Developers Program, Anti-Piracy Update, Developer Mailing Postdated, develop Issue #12, HyperCard 2.1 Player, Apple Developer Group-Europe Announced, New Apple Font Pack, Mac X.400 SD
- Marketing: Choosing the Best Market, Licensing Software Products
- Human Interface: Transparency
- Editor’s Note: Apple #1 in Worldwide Unit Sales
1993 Color Classic, 68040 Macs, America Online
- 1993-01: January 1993
- Features: The New Frontier: Personal Computing in Eastern Europe; Newton Update: An Interview With the Manager of Add-In Software for Newton
- News: Apple Increases Support for European Developers; Search Tools on the Developer CD; AppleScript Beta CD Ships; CD Highlights; It Shipped!; New Books (and a CD); Editor’s Note
- APDA Info: Now Available From ADPA; Hot Product of the Month
- Business & Marketing: Understanding the Competition; Lessons Learned About the PowerBook Market; Macintosh Marketing Seminar; GETNEXTEVENT; Market Research Quarterly: The Importance of Business Users
- Human Interface: “Bad Dialog Box” Contest Winners
- 1993-02: February 1993
- Features: Strategy: New Imagine Products; Technology: GrayShare; Technology: ColorSync
- News: Macintosh Easy Open, CD Highlights, Editor’s Note, develop Magazine Ordering Info., Apple Licenses American Online Technology, Cool.App AppleLink Address Closes, Global Developer Resources Quarterly Listing, Events Calendar, It Shipped, Multimedia Conference, European Training Facility
- APDA Info: Now Available From ADPA; Spotlight On…
- Business & Marketing: Using AppleLink for Support and Sales; GETNEXTEVENT
- Human Interface: Rules For Breaking the Rules
- 1993-03: March 1993
- Features: Strategy: New Macintosh Computers; Strategy: New Color Products; Strategy: New LaserWriters; AOCE
- News: Nagel Named VP; CD Highlights; Editor’s Note; Apple Direct Wins STC Awards; develop Issue 13; Macintosh Performa European Release; PowerPC Update; It Shipped!
- APDA Info: Now Available From ADPA; Spotlight On…; Hot Product of the Month
- Business & Marketing: European Distribution; GETNEXTEVENT
- Human Interface: Error Messages
- 1993-04: April 1993
- Features: Technology: Color Classic; Technology: New 68040 Macs; Technology: New LaserWriters; Technology: LC III; Technology PowerBook 165c
- News: CD Highlights; DSC Closed 4/16-19; Editor’s Note; HyperCard Moves; New Tools Available
- APDA Info: Now Available From ADPA; Spotlight On…
- Business & Marketing: Marketing Feature: Selling Off the Page; Developer Outlook: Making of a Bundle; GETNEXTEVENT; It Shipped
- Human Interface: Preferences
- 1993-05: May 1993
- Features: Strategy: EnterPrise Systems; Strategy: Apple Workgroup Servers
- News: CD Highlights; Editor’s Note; Apple Prepares for WWDC; AppleSearch; Apple Beats the Competition; Debugging Lab at WWDC; DU Gets Great Marks; ItShipped; PowerOpen;Shop Talk–Localization; Update From Taligent
- APDA INFO: Now Available From ADPA
- Business & Marketing: Marketing Feature: Making Sense of the Glitz; Market Research Quarterly: The Graphics Market; GETNEXTEVENT
- Human Interface: Toolbars

Apple Directions: The Developer Business Report
Starting in June 1993 Apple renamed Apple Direct to Apple Directions.
1993 660AV, 840AV, Newton MessagePad
- 1993-06: June 1993
- Features: Front page: Apple News (Developers Commit to Macintosh on PowerPC; Newton is Open for Development; Apple/Symantec Joint Venture; Apple Ships QuickDraw GX Beta; Future Macintoshes to Employ MFM-Only Disk Drives; MPW 3.3; New Performas); Strategy Mosaic; Editor’s Note; Table of Contents; Masthead
- Technology: CD Highlights; develop Issue 14; Human Interface; Macintosh on PowerPC: Q & As; LaserWriter 8.0 Driver; SCSI Manager; ShopTalk
- Business & Mktg: Market Research Monthly; Developer Outlook; APDA Info; ItShipped; Calendar
- 1993-07: July 1993
- Features: Front page: Apple News (PowerPC Compatibility, Amber Announced, Mac on UNIX, WWDC Tapes, QuickTime for Windows 1.1, New PowerBooks); Strategy Mosaic; Editor’s Note; IndustryWatch: News & Persective; Don Norman; Table of Contents; Masthead
- Technology: CD Highlights; Tech Notes Changes; Human Interface; Mac on UNIX Compatibility Guidelines; AppleScript
- Business & Marketing: Developer Outlook; APDA Info; ItShipped; Calendar
- 1993-08: August 1993
- Front page: Apple News (OpenDoc for Windows, OS/2; MacApp 3.1; MacinTalk; Award for PowerPC 601; Macintosh LC 520; Apple Products Meet EPA Standards); Strategy Mosaic (OpenDoc); Editor’s Note; IndustryWatch: News & Persective; Table of Contents; Masthead
- Technology: CD Highlights; Third-Party Compatibility Labs; Human Interface; Making the Transition to PowerPC; Japanese. Chinese, Korean, Arabic Language Kits; ShopTalk: AppleLink Resources
- Business & Marketing: Market Research Monthly: PowerPC To Flood Market; Marketing Feature: Venture Capital; APDA Info; ItShipped; Calendar
- 1993-09: September 1993
- Front page: Apple News (Newton MessagePad Ships; Newton Titles From Apple; AV Macintosh Computers; Development Products Group; AOCE Beta-Test Version; Power To Be Open; Developer University; OpenDoc AppleLink Address Correction); Strategy Mosaic (Newton); Editor’s Note; Industry Watch: News & Perspective; Table of Contents; Masthead
- Technology: CD Highlights; develop Issue 15; Human Interface; Macintosh Centris 660AV and Macintosh Quadra 840AV; Client-Server Development Tools
- Business & Marketing: Market Research Monthly: System 7 U.S. Installed Base; Thirty-five Macintosh Advantages Booklet; Marketing Feature: How Come We’re So Dumb?; Marketing Feature: Choosing Product Names; APDA Ordering Info; Calendar
- 1993-10: October 1993
- Front page: Apple News (System 7 Product Line Expanded; Multimedia Tools; PowerPC Development Tools Announced; Apple Licenses DocViewer); Strategy Mosaic (Newton, pt. 2); Editor’s Note; Masthead
- Technology: CD Highlights; develop Issue 15; Human Interface; QuickDraw GX; Ask Don Norman
- Business & Marketing: Market Research Monthly: System 7 Global Installed Base; Marketing Feature: Corporate Partnering; Now Available from APDA; APDA Ordering Info; Calendar
- 1993-11: November 1993
- Front page: Apple News (Software Dispatch CD; Newton Development; Component Integration Laboratories; Apple in China; DocViewer Update); Strategy Mosaic (System 7 Pro); Editor’s Note; IndustryWatch; Masthead
- Technology: CD Highlights; Human Interface; A Talk With Gursharan Sidhu; PowerTalk
- Business & Marketing: Market Research Monthly: Networked Macintosh Computers; Marketing Feature: Direct Mail; Developer Outlook: Licensing Characters; APDA Ordering Info; Calendar
- 1993-12: December 1993
- News: Apple News (Fall Products; PowerPC News; Chinese Language Kit; Apple Recommits to Publishing Mkt; Newton Conference; New LaserWriters); Strategy Mosaic (Your 1994 New Year’s Resolutions); Editor’s Note; Masthead
- Technology: CD Highlights; Human Interface; The State of the Macintosh User Experience, Part One
- Business & Marketing: Market Research Monthly: To CD or Not To CD; Marketing Feature: Preparing for the Unexpected; Developer Outlook: PowerPC Perspectives; APDA Ordering Info
1994 Quadra runs DOS, eWorld, PowerPC Processor
I was hoping that one of the 1994 issues would mention the launch of Apple’s new website, but other than a few mentions of Apple’s FTP site, Apple’s focus appeared to be on their newly launched eWorld service that would be replacing AppleLink and not on their website.
- 1994-01: January 1994
- Front page: Apple News (Quadra Runs DOS, PowerPC Update, AppleScript/HyperCard 2.2, Scriptable Finder, New Marketing Services Guide, Additional System 7 Pro Products); Strategy Mosaic (QuickDraw GX); Editor’s Note; IndustryWatch; Masthead
- Technology: CD Highlights; Human Interface; State of the User Experience, Pt. 2; Sound Manager 3.0
- Business & Marketing: Market Research Monthly: Color vs. Monochrome Monitors; Special Marketing Report: Documentation; APDA Info
- Requires: Microsoft Word or other word processing application that can open Word files.
- 1994-02: February 1994
- Front page: Apple News (Apple Ships PowerPC Development Tools; Apple PIE in the News; Macintosh Ten-Year Anniversary; Apple Worldwide 1993 Shipments); Strategy Mosaic (Newton Takes Off); Editor’s Note (Survey); IndustryWatch; Masthead; Survey
- Technology: CD Highlights; Human Interface; The Story Behind the Power (PowerPC, That is)
- Business & Marketing: Market Research Monthly: Monitor Size Matters; New Book; Marketing Feature
- 1994-03: March 1994
- Front page: Apple News (Apple Licenses Bedrock From Symantec; PowerPC News; eWorld; Apple Licenses DAL to Independence; Computer Telephony Expo; Cross-Platform Messaging and Collaboration); Strategy Mosaic (Telephony); Editor’s Note; IndustryWatch; Masthead
- Technology: Third-Party Test Lab Offers Macintosh with PowerPC; CD Highlights; Human Interface; PowerShare; Secrets of Authentication; PowerPC Interview (Part Two)
- Business & Marketing: Market Research Monthly: RAM in Installed Base; Marketing Feature 1: Your 10 Competitors; Marketing Feature 2: Winning the Turf War; APDA Info
- 1994-04: April 1994
- News: Apple News (Power Macintosh Computers; Newton News; Power To Be Open, II; Study Finds Macintosh More Productive Than Windows; QuickTake 100 Camera; Mac vs. Windows Video; QuickTime 2.0; New Installer; 1994 WWDC); Strategy Mosaic (Apple’s System Software Strategy); Editor’s Note; IndustryWatch: News & Persective; Table of Contents; Masthead.
- Technology: CD Highlights; develop Issue 17; Power Macintosh Architecture; New Developer Notes; Human Interface.
- Business & Marketing: Special Market Report: Power Macintosh Market Outlook; APDA Ordering Info.
- 1994-05: May 1994
- News: Apple News (Power Macintosh Tools; GeoPort; DOS Compatible Quadra; Mac on UNIX); Strategy Mosaic (Newton); Editor’s Note; IndustryWatch.
- Technology: CD Highlights; Power Macintosh Architecture, Pt. 2.
- Business & Marketing: News (How To Order The High Tech Marketing Companion); Market Research Monthly (Multimedia); Developer Outlook (ACI).
- 1994-06: June 1994
- News: Apple News (PowerPC Servers, Novell Commits to PowerPC, OpenDoc Progress, Native PowerPC Apps, PowerPC Sticker, PowerPC Update); Strategy Mosaic (Active Assistance); Special Report: Apple Directions for 1994.
- Technology: CD Highlights; develop Issue 18; System 7.5; Human Interface (Usability Testing); Developer University Schedule.
- Business & Marketing: Market Research Monthly (Power Macintosh Update); Marketing Feature (ABCs of Preschool Software Market); Developer Outlook (Edmark and Early Learning).
- 1994-07: July 1994
- News: Apple News (PowerPC-Upgradable PowerBooks; Apple Business Systems–New Version of AppleSearch; 75 Power Macintosh Applications); Strategy Mosaic (Active Assistance); Editor’s Note; IndustryWatch.
- Technology: CD Highlights; PowerBook Developer Note; Human Interface (Defending the Revolution); OpenDoc; PowerBook Expansion Cards.
- Business & Marketing: Market Research Monthly (Home Learning Mkt); Marketing Feature (Channel Mktg).
- 1994-08: August 1994
- News: Apple News (eWorld; NetWare; System 7.5; 130 Native Apps); Strategy Mosaic (Developer Tools); Editor’s Note; IndustryWatch.
- Technology: CD Highlights; New Developer Note; Human Interface (Headhunters and Multimedia); PCI and Power Macintosh; Developer Univeristy Schedule.
- Business & Marketing: Market Research Monthly (New Macintosh Users); Marketing Feature (Product Reviews).
- 1994-09: September 1994
- News: Apple News (Macintosh 630 line, PowerBook 150; Apple Business Systems–New AppleSearch; System 7.5 comarketing); Strategy Mosaic (68040 strategy); Editor’s Note; IndustryWatch.
- Technology: CD Highlights; Human Interface (Sound + Vision, part 1); Apple Guide, Inside the Macintosh 630 Series, develop issue 19.
- Business & Marketing: Special Market Report (Asian market opportunities); Marketing Feature (eWorld marketing opportunities).
- 1994-10: October 1994
- News: Apple News (Future of MacApp, Pascal for Power Macintosh, System 7.5 announcement, MPW Pro and ETO, Apple Expands On-Line Support, New Apple IP Gateway Simplifies Internet Access for ARA); Strategy Mosaic (System 7.5 and Power Macintosh); Editor’s Note; IndustryWatch.
- Technology: CD Highlights; Human Interface (Sound + Vision, part 2); Internationalizing Your Software.
- Business & Marketing: Market Research Monthly (European Macintosh market); Developer Outlook (Taking On the Market Leader).
- 1994-11: November 1994
- News: Apple News (Mac OS Licensing; Using the Mac OS Logo; OpenDoc Kitchen; Mac Vs. Windows Video; Mac OS SDK; New Printers); Strategy Mosaic (OpenDoc is Cross Platform); Editor’s Note (The Internet); IndustryWatch.
- Technology: CD Highlights; Human Interface (Microchips & Pride); OpenDoc Programming Made Easy.
- Business & Marketing: Market Research Monthly (Small Office/Home Office; Marketing Feature (Copyright Primer for Multimedia Developers); Developer Outlook (A Tale of Three CDs).
- 1994-12: December 1994
- News: Apple News (New Hardware Reference Platform for PowerPC Processor; Power Macintosh 8100/110; Macintosh Performa 6100; MacOS SDK & Redistribution Rights; Internet Programming Awards); Strategy Mosaic (Hardware Reference Platform); Editor’s Note (Education); IndustryWatch.
- Technology: CD Highlights; develop Issue 20; Human Interface (Throw Away Your Best Ideas); OpenDoc Your Mind; Developer University Schedule.
- Business & Marketing: Market Research Monthly (What Education Customers Want); Marketing Feature (OpenDoc and Your Business).
1995 Pippin, QuickTime 2.1, PCI Bus, Windows 95
- 1995-01: January 1995
- News: Apple News (Announcing Pippin; Macintosh Brand Strongest; Macintosh Top-Selling; Windows/DOS on Macintosh; Newton Developer Support; Apple Expands; QuickTime 2.0); Strategy Mosaic (Power Macintosh Developers Speak); Editor’s Note (Games); IndustryWatch.
- Technology: CD Highlights; Human Interface (Doc’s Holiday Wish List); OpenDoc HI Q&A; New Macintosh Run-Time Environment.
- Business & Marketing: News (Apple Initiatives Sell 3d-Party Products); Market Research Monthly (Apple Macintosh User Study); Marketing Feature (Retail Channels).
- 1995-02: February 1995
- News: Apple News (Developer Support for PCI; OpenDoc Roundup; Apple Supports Kaleida Products; GeoPort Kit; Apple Joins Versit); Strategy Mosaic (Blueprint for Future: Publishing); Editor’s Note (The Shadow Doesn’t Know); IndustryWatch.
- Technology: News (ETO and MPW Pro #16; New Paper Tech Notes)CD Highlights; Human Interface (Fad Gadgets); OpenDoc HI Q&A, pt 2; QuickTime 2.0.
- Business & Marketing: Marketing Feature (HyperCard Alive and Well).
- 1995-03: March 1995
- News: Apple News (1 million Power Macs; Apple Licenses MacOS; QuickTime Conferencing; AppleShare and AppleSearch for Windows; MessagePad 120; Motorola Newton Wireless Device); Strategy Mosaic (Blueprint for Future: Communications and Collaboration); Editor’s Note (Delays); Industry Watch.
- Technology: News (develop issue 21); CD Highlights; Human Interface (Disambiguator, pt 1); OpenDoc HI Q&A, pt 3; QuickDraw 3D.
- Business & Marketing: Market Research Monthly (Server Software); Special Market Report (Newton Vertical Market); Marketing Feature (User Group Marketing).
- 1995-04: April 1995
- News Section: News (OpenDoc Slated For Fall; Pioneer Licenses Mac OS; QuickTime Suit Details; QuickTime for Free; Mac OS Brand Momentum; MAE 2.0); Strategy Mosaic (Portrait of the Future: Learning, part 1); Editor’s Note (Real Virtual Reality); IndustryWatch.
- Technology: News (OpenDoc Classes; MPW Pro and ETO #16); CD Highlights; Human Interface (Disambiguator, pt. 2); Macintosh Programmer’s Toolbox Assistant.
- Market Research Monthly (Developers Confident); Marketing Feature (Soul of the New Macintosh).
- 1995-05: May 1995
- No description on CD
- 1995-06 June 1995
- They’re Here: Power Computing Ships First Mac OS Compatibles
- Strategy Mosaic: Copland: Technology For Customers’ Sakes
- Editor’s Note: Hedging Your Investments
- Industry Watch: Fast and Getting Faster; OpenDoc Developer Release 2; Apple Ships Open Transport Beta Software; Apple Reduces Prices on Developer University Self-Paced Training Products; develop Issue 22: More Than Ever!
- CD Highlights: Reference Library Edition June 1995; OpenDoc-One Architecture Fits All
- Human Interface: Network Nirvana
- Delta Alert: MPW Pro #17, E.T.O. #17, and Mac OS SDK #3
- Market Research Monthly: The Most Popular Application Categories
- Special Marketing Reports: Staking Your Claim on the Internet Frontier; Programmer, Get Thee to the Internet!
- 1995-07: July 1995
- News Section: Strategy Mosaic (Strategy 1999, part 1); News (Power Macintosh 9500; Denali; QuickTime VR & Apple Media Kit; Newton European Developer Programs; New Printers; QuickDraw 3D Beta); Editor’s Note (WWDC Highlights).
- Technology: CD Highlights; Human Interface (Do the Right Thing); QuickTime VR; OpenDoc Human Interface Q & A; Ask Don Norman (Where Will Apple Be in Five Years?).
- Market Research Monthly (Macintosh User Profile Research From WWDC); Marketing Feature (Macintosh Entertainment Market); Developer Outlook (Recruiting Animators).
- 1995-08: August 1995
- News Section: Strategy Mosaic (Strategy 1999, part 2); News (Power PC Performas; Newton DILs); Editor’s Note (Global Mac Expansion); IndustryWatch (Cool Developments).
- Technology: CD Highlights; Human Interface (Information); Apple Color LaserWriter 12/600 PS; OpenDoc Human Interface FAQs.
- Market Research Monthly (Apple Cross-Platform Strategy); Marketing Feature (Saving Packaging Costs & the Environment); Developer Outlook (Benefits of AppleScript).
- 1995-09: September 1995
- News: New Additions to the Power Macintosh Family Employ PCI Bus; Strategy Mosaic: Seeing Through Windows-And Into the Future; Editor’ Note: Guy Returns; IndustryWatch: No-So-Subtle Messages; In With eWorld, Out With AppleLink; Apple Ships OpenDoc Developer Release 3; New Newton Toolkit Offers Commpiler, Reduced Prices; Apple to Offer Oracle Power Objects for Client/Server Development; Apple Internet Connection Kit Gives Macintosh Users Internet Access; Apple Is Committed to Gaining Market Share; Apple Enterprise Awards Go to Nine Developers at PC EXPO.
- Technology: develop Issue 23: Music, 3D and More; CD Highlights: Reference Library Edition, September 1995; Human Interface: Easy to Use; Unified Networking for Mac OS Computers.
- Business & Marketing: WWDC Developers Plan Aggressive Adoption of OpenDoc; Business Feature: Launching a New Product-The Pop Rocket Story; Developer Outlook: Working With Composers in Multimedia.
- Listings: The Internet Page.
- 1995-10: October 1995
- News: Apple Releases PowerPC Processor-Based PowerBook Computers; Strategy Mosaic: PCI-The Future of Macintosh Expansion; Editor’ Note: Doin What’s Right; IndustryWatch: Enough to Make a Grown Man Cry; Macintosh DOS Compatible Systems Can Maintain Both Windows 3.x and Windows 95; New Power Macintosh Computers Outperform Pentium; Netscape Adopts QuickTime, QuickTime VR in Strategic Agreement; The Mac Speaks Back.
- Technology: CD Highlights: System Software Edition, October 1995; Human Interface: This Old Interface; QuickDraw 3D-The Future Is (Virtually) Here; OpenDoc Human Interface FAQs.
- Business & Marketing: Apple Guide-Intelligent Help for Your Business.
- Listings: Developer University Schedule; The Internet Page.
- 1995-11: November 1995
- Apple’s Developer Business Report with news and information about Apple’s strategic, technological, and business directions
- Strategy Mosaic: Apple’s Development Tools Strategy. IndustryWatch: The Macintosh Strategy. Editor’s Note: MIcrotrends. News: Developer Support Enhancements; OpenDoc Support Builds; Educational PoweMac; QuickTime 2.1; Mac Common Lisp 3.0; PowerBook 5300 Shipments Resume; MAE for Japan; Copland Release Update
- Technology: CD Highlights; OpenDoc HI FAQs; Optimizing PowerPC Programs
- Business: Japanese Market Report; Confessions of New Mac Developer
- Listings: DU Schedule; Internet Page
- 1995-12: December 1995
1996 QuickTime Conferencing, MessagePad 130 With Newton 2.0
- 1996-01: January 1996
- News: Strategy Mosaic (International Development From Here To Copland); News (COMDEX; Apple #1 in U.S. PC Sales; New Technotes; Chinese Dictation Kit); Editor’s Note (The Year That Was); Apple Watch (Working With Apple).
- Technology: CD Highlights (System Software and SDK Editions); OpenDoc HI FAQs; Human Interface (Holiday Magic); Demystifying DSOM.
- Business: Ideas for Maximizing Installed Base Sales; Producing Bugless Software, pt. 1; Developer University Schedule; Internet Page.
- 1996-02: February 1996
- NEWS SECTION: Strategy Mosaic (Putting OpenDoc To Work in 1996); Editor’s Note (SPA Report); IndustryWatch (Open For Business); News (Apple Solidifies Marketshare Gains; Getting Ready for Copland Developer Release; QuickTime VR Royalty Eliminated; Macintosh Tools Guide Available Online; New ETO and MPW Pro; Symantec, Microsoft Release New Tools; Apple Ships QuickTime Conferencing; Apple Products Win Recent Awards; Apple Announces Support For JavaScript; Pippin).
- Technology Section: CD Highlights (Toolchest Edition); Human Interface (If You Build It, Will They Come?).
- Business Section: The Business Case for Component Hardware; Producing Bug-less Software, pt. 2; DU Schedule; Internet Page.
- 1996-03: March 1996
- News: Strategy Mosaic (The Future of Mac OS Graphics); Editor’s Note (A Game of Telephone); IndustryWatch (Plenty of Business Opportunities); Copland Communications and Collaboration to Rely on Internet Protocols, OpenDoc; Developers Show OpenDoc Support at Macworld; OpenDoc Wins “Landmark Technology” Award; It Shipped! Program Restarts; Apple Media Tool 2.0 Is Power Macintosh Native, Supports QuickTime VR, QuickTime 2.1; Apple Positions Cross-Platform 3D File Format as Internet Standard.
- Technology: CD Highlights (Reference Library Edition, March 1996); develop Issue 25: VR, 3D, GX, and More; Human Interface (Progressive Disclosure and Tabs); New Developer Tools Announced at Macworld; OpenDoc Human Interface FAQs.
- Business: Special Market Report (European Software Market Opportunities; Developer Outlook (Creating Shareware for Fun–and Profit?)
- 1996-04: April 1996
- News: Strategy Mosaic (Looking Forward to the Copland User Experience); Editor’s Note (Dr. Amelio Speaks); IndustryWatch (Profiting From Gil Amelio’s Experiences at National Semiconductor); Apple Debuts New Server Hardware, MessagePad 130 With Newton 2.0 and Newton Press, OpenDoc Round-up.
- Technology: CD Highlights (System Software/SDK Edition, April 1996); Human Interface (Use Your Illusion); Client/Server Computing: An Overview for Information Systems Developers.
- Business: Business Report (Six Assumptions That Can Kill Your Multimedia Title); Business Report (The Changing Landscape of Software Distribution).
- 1996-05: May 1996
- News Section: Strategy Mosaic (Mac OS Licensing Takes Off); Editor’s Note (Copland Blitz); AppleWatch (WWDC Sessions); News (Apple Preliminary Q2 Results; Apple Sprockets Games SDK; Apple Ad Based On Developer Quotations; Apple Moving on Internet Front; Mac Dominates Publishing; QuickDraw 3D RAVE; Apple and Motorola in China).
- Technology Section: CD Highlights (Tool Chest Edition); OpenDoc Human Interface FAQs; Human Interface (Doin’ Time at Macworld…); Multitasking Under Copland.
- Business Section: Feature (Interactive Music and the Apple Media Tool).
- Listings: DU Schedule; It Shipped!; Apple Internet Page.
- 1996-06: June 1996.
- News: Strategy Mosaic (Why Mac OS 8 Is Important); IndustryWatch (Putting SPA 1996 Software Sales Data Into Perspective); New Apple Developer Relations Charter, Organization; Apple Multimedia Program Becomes Apple Media Program; New Release Schedule for Mac OS 8; New QuickTime VR 1.0 Tools Made Available as Apple Plans Next QuickTime VR Release; Apple Licenses Sun’s Java; Technical Support Now Available to All Developer Program Members; Increased Power PC Compatibility, All-in-one Design Featured in New Apple Hardware.
- Technology: develop Issue 26; CD Highlights (Reference Library Edition, June 1996); Human Interface (Addictive Interfaces); Multitasking Under Mac OS 8.
- Business: Microsoft Under the Microscope: Learning From the Market Leader.
- 1996-07: July 1996
- News Section: Strategy Mosaic (Why Mac OS 8 Is Important); Editor’s Note (Why I Prefer Macintosh); IndustryWatch (PowerPC Hits 300 MHz); News (Amelio Announces Strategy at WWDC; Apple’s New Organization; Apple Commits $20 Million to Developer Marketing; Macintosh #1 In Ease of Use; WWDC Wrap-Up).
- Technology Section: CD Highlights (System Software/SDK Edition); OpenDoc Human Interface FAQs; Human Interface (Now It Can Be Told); Inside Apple Game Sprockets.
- Business Section: Feature (Finding and Hiring Macintosh Programmers).
- Listings: DU Schedule; It Shipped!; Apple Internet Page.
- 1996-08: August 1996 (html)
- NEWS SECTION: Strategy Mosaic (Making the Transition to OpenDoc); Editor’s Note (The Business of Dreams); IndustryWatch (Apple #1 in Multimedia); News (Apple’s New Developer Web Site; System 7.5.3; Free Cyberdog, Mac OS 8 On-Line courses; Newton Internet Enabler; Apple Licenses Roaster; Pippin in the U.S.; SmartShelf Software Distribution); Why I Prefer Macintosh.
- Technology Section: CD Highlights (Tool Chest Edition); Apple’s New Image Capture Platform; OpenDoc Human Interface FAQs; Human Interface (Designing For a Complex World: Intelligence).
- Business Section: Special Market Report: The 1996 Macintosh User Profile.
- Listings: DU Schedule; It Shipped!; Apple Internet Page.
- 1996-09: September 1996 (html)
- 1996-10: October 1996 (html)
- 1996-11: November 1996 (html)
- 1996-12: December 1996 (html)
1997 The end of the newsletters
Apple stopped providing descriptions of the contents of the newsletters on their CDs starting in late 1996. I plan to add descriptions as I have time.
- 1997-01: January 1997 (html)
- 1997-02: February 1997 (html)
- 1997-03: March 1997 (html)
- 1997-04: April 1997 (html)
- 1997-05: May 1997 (html)
- 1997-06: June 1997 (html)
- 1997-07: July 1997 (html)
- 1997-08: August 1997 (html)
- 1997-09: September 1997 (html)
- 1997-10: October 1997 (html)
- 1997-11: November 1997 (html)
- 1997-12: December 1997 (html)
1998 to 2008 Apple Developer News
In the December 1997 issue of Apple Directions, the Editor, Patty Bing-You, announced that there would be no more printed issues of Apple Directions, and instead Apple would communicate through Apple Developer News (1997-06-15) e-mails, the Developer Central Website (1996-11-02), Developer World Website (1997-01-02), and the Developer CD series.
On the internet archive’s way back machine I was able to find Apple Developer News, later renamed ADC Member News / Developer Connection News:
- 1996 August 8th to 1997 May 30th
- 1997 May 2nd to 2004 September 24th
- 2004 September 24th to 2008 February 4th although this page also includes links for news earlier than September, most of those links are broken, please use the previous link instead for those dates.
In 2008 Apple updated their website, and I could no longer find a link to the Apple Developer Connect News, but I suspect that it was moved in the the ADC Member area.