Aperture 2 - Technical Specifications

Aperture 2 - Part Numbers
Retail MB284Z/A
Upgrade MB286Z/A
Academic MB285Z/A


Minimum Hardware Requirements

Minimum Software Requirements

Recommended Configuration

Available Hard Disk Space

Aperture and its associated features require a certain amount of available disk space:


File Formats

Photo Management

Image Processing

Compare and Select Tools


User Interface


  1. Tethering requires compliance with standard protocols that are not supported by all camera models. See "Aperture 2: Tips on tethered shooting" for some guidelines concerning the support of tethered cameras.
  2. DNG files must be generated by the Adobe DNG Converter with the "Convert to Linear Image" option turned off.
  3. Aperture maintains but does not display layer and alpha channel information in PSD files.
Published Date: Sep 30, 2011