Macintosh Manager 1.3: Moving Macintosh Manager Folder to Another Volume

When considering a move of the Macintosh Manager folder, it is best to copy only the Users folder.
The Macintosh Manager folder that is created on the startup disk of your Macintosh Manager server contains all the databases and initial documents and preferences for your users.

Moving the Macintosh Manager folder from the startup disk to another local disk or partition may result in stability issues with the clients and server. The most common reason administrators want to move the Macintosh Manager Folder is to utilize more hard disk space that's available for user's documents and preferences.

Rather than copying the entire Macintosh Manager folder, copy only the Users folder contained within the Macintosh Manager folder. The Users folder contains all user preferences and documents. The Users folder may be relocated to a disk or partition on the server or on a remote server.

In this configuration, the original server's startup disk remains the authentication volume for Macintosh Manager, while the users then save their documents to another volume to conserve space on the startup disk of the Server.

Once the Users folder is copied, you must change the location of the Group Documents folder in the Macintosh Manager application. For instructions, see:

Article 31265: "Macintosh Manager 1.3: Saving Workgroup Documents to Another Folder"
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012