Mac OS 9.1: Some Sherlock 2 Channels May Appear Empty

On first use of the Sherlock 2, the contents of some channels may appear empty until the necessary site search plugins are automatically downloaded via the Internet.

On first use of a channel in Sherlock 2, there may be no search sites listed.


Some Sherlock 2 channels do not include the search site plugins when installed. Instead, these plugins are downloaded and installed the first time you choose a particular channel in Sherlock 2. This may take a few moments, depending on the speed of the computer's Internet connection.

For example, click on the Entertainment channel. After waiting a few moments, Sherlock should connect to the Internet, download the necessary plugins, and display the missing Entertainment search sites.

If it does not, make sure that you have an active Internet connection by performing a search using one of the other Internet channels, or by opening a Web page in your Internet browser. If you have a valid Internet connection, Sherlock should momentarily download the search site plugins and display them automatically.

Multiple Users clients may see similar symptoms the first time they access Internet channels in Sherlock 2.

For more information, please see:

Article 31154: "Sherlock 2 and Multiple Users: Missing Channels"
Published Date: Feb 17, 2012