Steps for Moving Macintosh Manager Services
Note: Some steps give different directions for AppleShare IP and Mac OS X Server. Choose your action according to which of the two you are using.
1. Open the Macintosh Manager application from an administration workstation. Choose Export User List from the File menu.
Note: Do not export Groups.
2. Check to see that software is properly installed on the computer that is to become the new Macintosh Manager server.
AppleShare IP: Place the Macintosh Management Server extension in the Extensions Folder and restart the computer.
Mac OS X Server: In the Setup Assistant, be sure to click the checkbox to activate Macintosh Management Server. When you finish the Setup Assistant, you are prompted to restart the computer.
3. Open the Macintosh Manager administration application. When presented with the login dialog, click Change Server. Click to select the new Macintosh Management Server. Log on as an administrator.
Mac OS X Server: You may use "root" access.
4. Choose Import Users from the File menu. In the subsequent dialog box, select the file you exported in Step 1. Afterward, you should have all users listed as they were on the previous server. Quit the Macintosh Manager application.
Important: Step 4 creates entries for users in the Users & Groups Database (AppleShare IP) or the local NetInfo Database (Mac OS X Server). Skipping this step may cause you to encounter issues later with duplicating or deleting a user.
5. Copy the complete contents of the Macintosh Manager shared folder from the previous Macintosh Manager server to the same location on the new Macintosh Manager server, replacing any existing items.
6. For the Macintosh Manager shared folder on the new server, copy the AppleShare privileges to all enclosed folders.
AppleShare IP: Use the Mac OS Server Admin to perform this step.
Mac OS X Server: You may use Web-based administration to perform this step.
7. Wait for the server to reassign privileges, which may take a few moments.
8. Open the Macintosh Manager application. Log on to the new server and verify that all users, workgroups, and other Macintosh Manager settings have moved successfully.
Note: Be sure to verify the location of each workgroup's documents volume by clicking on the Workgroups tab and Options pane.