Mac OS 9.1 and Later: "Reconnect to servers on wakeup" Feature Removed

The "Reconnect to servers on wakeup" feature has been removed from the Advanced Settings pane of the Energy Saver control panel in Mac OS 9.1 and later. If desired, you may use the workaround described in this article.

When you choose Sleep from the Special menu an alert box with this message appears:

When the computer wakes up:

You must then reconnect to the server(s) that were available before sleep.

Note: This issue should only occur on the computers listed below.

Macintosh Manager

Macintosh Manager clients disconnected while logged on to their server cannot reconnect upon waking.

Important: Customers who encounter this issue may lose unsaved changes to work, since the Macintosh Manager client is not connected to the Documents volume in this situation.


The best time to put a Macintosh Manager client computer to sleep is when it is logged off, not during a Macintosh Manager session.

As a workaround, administrators may set the option to automatically log out idle users. To locate this feature in the Macintosh Manager admin application, click the Computers tab then look in the Security pane.

Important: For this workaround to have the desired effect, the time value set in Macintosh Manager for idle users must be less than what has been defined in the client computer's individual Energy Saver control panels for "Put the system to sleep whenever it's inactive for."

You should only set Macintosh Manager to log out the idle users, not to lock the screen.

Published Date: Feb 17, 2012