Classic applications may not behave as expected. Some Classic windows may not be visible.
The Classic environment adds components to your Mac OS 9.1 System Folder that are necessary for it to work properly. The Mac OS 9.1 All and Mac OS 9.1 Base extension sets do not include some of these components. When you restart Classic using one of these extension sets, it does not behave as expected. To use one of these extension sets, create a copy and add any Classic components that have been disabled. You must be logged in to the computer as an Admin user to follow these steps:
1. Open a Classic application.
2. With the Classic application in the foreground, select Control Panels from the Classic Apple Menu.
3. Open the Extensions Manager control panel.
4. Choose the desired set from the Selected Set pop-up menu.
5. Choose Duplicate Set from the File menu.
6. Give the new copy a name, such as "Mac OS 9.1 All (Classic)", that will remind you what this set contains.
7. Choose "as Items" from the View menu.
8. Click the Package column in the Extensions Manager window to sort by package name.
9. Scroll down to locate the "Classic Compatibility Environment" package items (Figure 1).

Figure 1 The Extensions Manager control panel
10. Be sure that the checkbox next to each one of these items is checked. Click the box in the On/Off column to add an "x."
11. Close the Extension Manager control panel.
The next time you restart Classic, your new extension set will be active.
Update to Mac OS 9.2.1 and Mac OS X 10.1 to avoid this issue. Mac OS 9.2.1 contains Extension Manager control panel sets which already include Classic Environment components.