Mac OS X 10.0: "You are running Classic without superuser (root) Privileges" Message

An alert box with a message about "superuser" privileges appears when attempting to open Classic under a certain circumstance.

As Classic begins to open, an alert box appears with the message:

Note: For other versions of Mac OS X, see these related technical documents:

106639: "Mac OS X 10.1: You are running Classic without superuser (root) Privileges' Message"
106584: "Mac OS X 10.2: You are running Classic without superuser (root) Privileges' Message"


This happens if you select the checkbox for "Ignore privileges on this volume" in the Show Info window for the Mac OS X startup volume, and attempt to use Classic without first restarting the computer. Either restart the computer or deselect this checkbox to use Classic.

Important: If you don't have a specific need to ignore privileges, you should not use that option. Your computer is more secure when privileges are active.
Published Date: Oct 7, 2016