There are two versions of the update available to bring your computer to Mac OS X v10.0.3:
10.0.3 Update (15 MB)
This update is required if you have not yet applied the 10.0.2 Update.
10.0.3 Update (1.6 MB)
This smaller update is appropriate if you have already installed the 10.0.2 Update.
Note: The 10.0.2 Update is no longer available from Apple. You should use the 10.0.3 Update instead of 10.0.2.
There are two ways to get a 10.0.3 Update:
1. Open System Preferences and use the Software Update feature. When you click Update Now, the Software Update pane automatically displays the correct version of the 10.0.3 update for your computer.
2. Download the standalone installer from Apple Software Updates ( Only the 10.0.3 Update (15 MB) is available here.
Important: Read Before Installing
1. You must have an Admin user password to install this update. The password must not contain spaces and may not be blank. Certain characters may also produce unexpected results when used in a password. Generally, these characters are those you type with the Option key. To change your password, open System Preferences and click Users. Select an Admin user and click Edit User. Create a new password. For best security, put both numbers and letters within the first eight characters of the password.
2. The Software Update pane in System Preferences will only display other updates after Software Update 1.3.1 has been installed.
3. Mac OS X 10.0 and either the 10.0.1 or 10.0.2 Update must be installed before a 10.0.3 Update.
4. You may experience unexpected results if you have installed third-party modifications to system software or if you have modified the operating system through other means, such as the Terminal. This precautionary statement does not apply to the normal installation of application software.
5. The 10.0.3 Update installation process should not be interrupted. You can monitor progress by clicking the Detailed Progress disclosure triangle. When viewing Detailed Progress, it is normal for the update to say "optimizing" for several minutes prior to completion. If you experience a power outage or other interruption during a software update installation, you should download the standalone installer from Apple Software Updates and reinstall it. "Optimizing" refers to the execution of a process called "update_prebinding," which allows applications to open faster by precalculating the address information of system data the applications use. This optimization is performed on the Mac OS X startup disk when Apple updates certain system components. Though update_prebinding may be executed manually, it is not necessary to use it at any other time.
Steps to install the updates using Automatic Software Update
(You must first be connected to the Internet.)
1. Quit open applications, which are marked in the Dock with a small triangle. You cannot quit the Finder.
2. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.
3. Click the Software Update icon.
4. Click Update Now.
Note: If you have not yet installed Software Update 1.3.1, you must do so to access other updates using the Software Update feature of System Preferences. After installing Software Update 1.3.1, repeat the above steps to install the 10.0.1 Update (if needed), followed by a 10.0.3 Update.
About the Update
10.0.3 Update Enhancements
This update delivers various enhancements to Mac OS X (10.0.1). Enhancements delivered with the 10.0.3 Update include:
- Enhances iTunes (for Mac OS X) to allow audio CD burning when used with Apple and compatible third-party CD-RW drives.
Note: You must download iTunes 1.1.1 or later to use this feature. iTunes 1.1.1 is available by the same methods as the 10.0.3 Update.
- Ensures full visibility of file lists in directories that contain a large number of items.
- Improved compatibility with third-party USB and FireWire devices.
- Classic environment refinements.
- Enriched compatibility with AFP (AppleTalk/AppleShare) volumes.
- Enhanced optimization process.
- Improved reliability of PPP connections on certain computers.
- Refined performance of certain file and folder types in the Finder.
- Enriched recognition of display resolution choices.
- Enhancements to the Mail application.
- Heightened functionality of the Login window.
- Refined audio performance on certain computers.
- Improved performance of ColorSync with certain printers.
- Favorites are now easier to use.
- Enriched functionality of the Connect To command.
- Enhanced performance when connecting to certain types of servers.
- Refined compatibility with displays that are connected to certain types of ATI display cards.