Finding a list of current NFS exports
To see if an individual folder or disk has been exported, use these steps:
1. Open the Server Admin application.
2. Click the General tab.
3. Click the Sharing icon, then select Set Sharing Attributes.
4. In the Choose Object window, select the item and click Choose.
5. Set the pop-up menu in the item's privileges window to NFS Access Control.
Here, you can see the NFS Export status of the disk or folder.
Listing all current exports
To list all the current exports, use the Terminal application located in the folder Applications/Utilities/.
The list of exports is maintained by the mountd daemon. The Server Admin application manages this data, which is used by the mountd daemon to perform the export. To list all folders that have been exported, follow these steps:
1. Open the Terminal application.
2. Type: showmount -e
3. Press Return.
To list the raw data that determines which folders are exported and the export options, follow these steps:
1. Open the Terminal application.
2. Type: nidump -r /exports .
Note: Be sure to add the space and period at the end of the command. This determines the database to which the nidump command is applied. The period indicates the local NetInfo database.
3. Press Return.