The application Mail, included with Mac OS X, cannot locate email to import from Outlook Express.
Note: Versions of Outlook Express prior to 5 do not use the Microsoft User Data and Identities folder hierarchy. You may, for example, update from Outlook Express 4.5 to Outlook Express 5 to create a Microsoft User Data folder before importing email with Mail.
You may use
one of the following solutions:
1. Create a new folder named "Microsoft User Data," and place the Identities folder inside this folder.
2. Click the Browse button on the second screen of the "Import mailboxes" utility to select the Identities folder containing the email you want to import.
Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided for information purposes only, and does not constitute Apple's recommendation or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
The following article can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number:
Article 17159: "
Locating Vendor Information"