Mac OS X Server: 10.0.4 Server Update Detailed

This article describes the enhancements and changes made when you install the 10.0.4 Server Update.
The 10.0.4 Server Update delivers reliability improvements for Apple File Protocol (AFP) connections, printer sharing, FTP, mail and directory services. It includes MySQL and security updates to Samba. This update also improves migration and administration of user and groups, home directory settings and Macintosh Manager accounts.

The update is available via both the automatic Software Update feature and as a standalone installer. To update automatically, choose System Preferences from the Apple Menu. Click the Software Update icon and then click the Update Now button. The standalone installer is available at Apple Software Downloads (

Installation Notes

The10.0.4 Update must be applied to Mac OS X Server 10.0.3 before the 10.0.4 Server Update will appear in the Software Update pane. Likewise, you must apply this update before the 10.0.4 Server Update if using standalone installers. You must have at least122 MB free disk space on the targeted volume. If either of these criteria are not met, the following message appears:

"The software "10.0.4 Server Update" cannot be installed on the computer"

After updating, remote administration requires the 10.0.4 version of Server Admin. You can copy the new Server Admin to other Mac OS X computers using AppleShare. Just drag the Server Admin application from a mounted share point to the hard disk of the desired administration computer.


The 10.0.4 Server Update contains fixes to OpenSSH above and beyond what is installed with the standard 10.0.4 Update. A Mac OS X client computer will not be able to make an SSH connection to the server until you apply Web Sharing Update 1.0 to the client computer. If you have not done this, you will see this message when attempting an SSH connection:

"Disconnecting: Bad packet length"


MySQL was omitted from the initial version of Mac OS X Server (10.0.3). The 10.0.4 Server Update includes MySQL version 3.23.32. For more MySQL information see technical document 106383: "Mac OS X Server 10.0: How to Locate MySQL; What Is It?"

Server Admin

Connections to servers with more than 11 IP addresses set up or aliased for a single physical network interface now work properly.

Copying privileges to share points containing a large number of files or nested directories can potentially be a lengthy operation. Certain functions of the Server Admin application are not available until this task has been completed. Visual feedback improvements were added to help indicate the current status of ongoing operations. Changes were made to the Users & Groups Administration module to prevent the display of the disabled users group. Allowing this group to be displayed visibly is undesirable since it does not connote that the act of properly disabling a user requires that their password attribute be changed. Simply moving a user to this group does not adequately disable that user.

Independently dragging users with similar names to groups via the Users & Groups Administration module could previously result in the omission of some of the desired users. Changes made in the 10.0.4 Server Update correct this.

This update corrects problems with the process of defining custom home directories in user records. Previously, the defined home directory would revert to the address of the current server despite what had been specified.

Corrects problems with garbled window title and subnet name text in the DHCP Administration module when used on a Japanese language system after having performed a duplication of subnets.

File Services

Improves AFP client connection reliability. Simultaneous disconnect of multiple connected AFP clients could occur in Mac OS X Server version 10.0.3 and could be identified by "TickleTimeoutdisconnect" errors logged to the AppleFileServiceAccess.log.

Improves AFP client behavior when connecting to directories with names containing double-byte characters. The FTP Server has been modified to the upload of files and/or directories containing double-byte characters in their names.

Corrects an issue in which attempts to create directories via FTP in home directories that are defined on volumes other than the root volume would fail.

Server update corrects some conditions in which the absolute path to a given file or directory could be revealed when specifying relative paths in commands such as ls.

Enhanced the FTP server to guard against certain types of buffer overruns.

Directory Services

Addressed memory leaks when changing the search policy or LDAP configuration.

Improved internal processes to reduce the possibility of Directory Services deadlock conditions.

Corrected problems with the Directory Setup application unexpectedly quitting that could be encountered when modifying LDAP settings after applying changes to the NetInfo checkbox.

Addressed problems with Directory Setup applying changes when attempting to add nodes to the Contacts tab. Directory Setup would previously either fail to add the specified node without warning or unexpectedly quit.

Improved LDAP plugin mappings.

Macintosh Manager

Improved the selection of default Macintosh Manager Documents server location by including previously disabled options.

Now properly displays icons in the available CD-ROMs list when administering a Macintosh Manager server on a Mac OS X system.

The addition of Mac OS X application packages containing Classic executables are now properly selected from the appropriate application from within the package to be added to the Workgroup items list.

Performed optimizations of various internal Macintosh Manager functions.

Improved behavior when dragging users from the Users and Groups list in the Server Admin application to the Macintosh Manager application's user list by removing unnecessary confirmation dialogs.

Improved Macintosh Manager application behavior on Mac OS 9.x when the computer list is displayed and the admin application is hidden in the Finder.

Now prevents local administration of Macintosh Management server (when specifying or localhost) to ensure Macintosh Manager database integrity.

Improved logging during Macintosh Manager migrations to remove extraneous messages noting blank volume name targets.

Corrected an issue in which migration of Macintosh Manager users could result in the improper creation of a "Users" directory instead of the intended "Library" directory within their home directory.

Corrected problems administering the Macintosh Management server when more than 303 users were connected simultaneously.

Corrected problem with excessive CPU usage when Appletalk is toggled on and off while the Macintosh Management server is in use.

In addition to the enhancements to the Macintosh Manager server processes and admin application listed above, Macintosh Manager client software version 2.0.2 contains several improvements and should be used in conjunction with a 10.0.4 Server Update installation.

Mail Server

Changes to the Mail Server were made to improve the behavior experienced when mail clients conduct unusually lengthy communications (such as when deleting a large volume of messages).

Addressed a Mail Server stability issue that could occur when using the AppleShare IP Migration Tool to migrate Users & Groups and the Mail database.

Mail Server performance improvements were made through a more efficient threading implementation when posting messages to a user account.

AppleShare IP Migration application

Corrected problems with incomplete migrations of users defined in groups.

Corrected a memory leak that could occur when interacting with Directory Services during the migration process.

Print Services

Improved behavior when sorting print queues by name in the Print Monitor dialog of the Print Services administration module.

Corrected issues with attempting to add a print queue to the parent NetInfo domain. Addressed problem with rejected jobs when printing to a default queue name containing double-byte characters.

Improved print services reliability attained through more robust interaction between lpd and Directory Services.
Published Date: Feb 17, 2012