Users stored in a remote directory do not appear in the Users and Groups List of the Server Admin application. This occurs when your Mac OS X Server is bound to a NetInfo parent, an LDAP server, or another type of directory using a Directory Services plug-in. If you need to access these users follow these steps:
For a single user or group:
1. Open Server Admin.
2. Click the General tab.
3. Click Users & Groups and choose Find Users & Groups.
4. Set the pop-up menu to Search Path, which will search the Directory Services Search Path.

Figure 1 Search for a single user or group
5. Type the user or group name in the Name field.
6. Click the Find button.
For all users:
1. Open Server Admin.
2. Click the General tab.
3. Click Users & Groups and choose Find Users & Groups.
4. Set the pop-up menu to Search Path, which will search the Directory Services Search Path.
5. Click More Choices.
6. Click the checkboxes to deselect Name and select ID . Either of the two ID checkboxes will do.
7. Set the pop-up menu that corresponds to the selected ID field to Greater Than (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Search for all users
8. In the selected ID field, type: 99
9. Click Find.
Once you have found your users, you can drag and drop them into groups or services, or view their information. Note that you will not have write access to those users, so you will not be able to edit them.