Mac OS X: Folders With Names That Begin With a Dot Disappear From Finder

If you save a file to a folder with a name that begins with a dot ".", or period, that folder becomes invisible in the Finder.

The New Folder feature of Save and Save As dialogs allows you to create a folder name beginning with dot. This results in the folder being invisible in the Finder or on the desktop. It may seem as if the folder was not created.


Mac OS X reserves names beginning with the dot for system software items that are not intended to be visible in the Finder. Normally, an alert box with this message appears when you attempt to create a folder or file whose filename begins with a dot:

However, the New Folder button is an exception to this rule. If you create a folder in this manner, its contents remain where you saved them, but you will not be able to see the folder in the Finder. You can remedy this by renaming the folder.

Pathname of the invisible folder

First, you must know the pathname of the folder. You can learn how to read and write a pathname with technical document 106419: "Mac OS: About Folders, Directories, and Pathnames"

If you named a folder ".myfolder" and saved it on your desktop, then the pathname would be:

If you do not remember where you saved the folder, search on its name in Find or Sherlock.

Determining pathname with Finder Find (Mac OS X 10.2 or later)

Use Find to search for invisible items with the name you made in the search field. If you don't know how, see technical document 107005.

Determining pathname with Sherlock (Mac OS X 10.1.5 or earlier)

To find an invisible item in Sherlock, you must use the custom search.

Figure 1 Path to ".myfolder" revealed in lower Sherlock pane

Revealing the invisible folder in the Finder

You can reveal an invisible folder in the Finder by using the pathname you determined with the Go to Folder command.
Published Date: Feb 17, 2012