Mac OS X 10.1: "You are running Classic without superuser (root privileges)" Message

This document explains how to resolve a potential issue in which the Classic environment does not start up, giving you an alert message about "superuser (root privileges)".
Note: This technical document covers one aspect of troubleshooting the Classic environment. For more information, see technical document 106677: "Mac OS X: Troubleshooting the Classic Environment"


An alert box with one of the following messages appears, and Classic does not start up:

Note: For other versions of Mac OS X, see these related technical documents:

106278: "Mac OS X 10.0: You are running Classic without superuser (root) Privileges' Message"
106584: "Mac OS X 10.2: You are running Classic without superuser (root) Privileges' Message"


If the issue persists, use the Repair Privileges Utility. Your system must be updated to Mac OS X 10.1.5 before using this utility. For information and software download, see technical document 106900, "Mac OS X: About the Repair Privileges Utility".


Related Documents

106663 Mac OS X 10.1.x: Classic May Not Start If LinkSys Hub/Router or Wireless Access Point is Present

Published Date: Oct 7, 2016