Note: This technical document covers one aspect of troubleshooting the Classic environment. For more information, see technical document 106677: "
Mac OS X: Troubleshooting the Classic Environment"
An alert box with one of the following messages appears, and Classic does not start up:
"You are running Classic without superuser (root privileges). Ensure that TruBluEnvironment is setuid and owned by root, or reinstall your Mac OS X System Software."
Note: For other versions of Mac OS X, see these related technical documents:
106278: "
Mac OS X 10.0: You are running Classic without superuser (root) Privileges' Message"
106584: "
Mac OS X 10.2: You are running Classic without superuser (root) Privileges' Message"
1. Open System Preferences.
2. Click Startup Disk.
3. Select your Mac OS 9 System Folder in the Startup Disk pane.
4. Choose Show All from the View menu.
5. Click Classic.
6. Select your Classic startup volume (the one that contains your Mac OS 9 System Folder).
7. Click Start. Classic should now start up as expected.
8. Choose Show All from the View menu.
9. Click Startup Disk.
10. Select your Mac OS X System Folder in the Startup Disk window.
11. Close the System Preferences window.
If the issue persists, use the Repair Privileges Utility. Your system must be updated to Mac OS X 10.1.5 before using this utility. For information and software download, see technical document 106900, "
Mac OS X: About the Repair Privileges Utility".
1. The Classic System Folder may not work if required software components have been removed from it. In this case, the System Folder will not be a choice in the Startup Disk control panel. If you have this symptom, go to Solution section "B" of technical document 106426: "Mac OS: 'Startup Disk no longer has a valid System Folder'"
2. For best results, do not install multiple versions of Mac OS 9 on your Classic startup volume.