Mac OS X: How to Use Mac OS 9 Applications

Mac OS X includes the Classic environment, which allows you to use most Mac OS 9 applications without restarting the computer.
The Classic environment of Mac OS X allows you to use most Mac OS 9 applications. This means that most people only need to restart the computer from Mac OS 9 to install Mac OS 9 software updates. Mac OS 9-compatible applications are referred to as "Classic" applications.

Starting a Classic application

Mac OS 9 installation required

Locating Classic software and documents

If you install Mac OS X on the same disk or partition as your Mac OS 9 system, your Classic applications and documents remain in the same folders. You should note, however, that Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 use different desktop folders. To see items from your Mac OS 9 desktop, use the "Desktop (Mac OS 9)" alias that is on your Mac OS X desktop. If this alias is not on your desktop or does not work, see technical document 106468: "Mac OS X: How to Replace the Alias "Desktop (Mac OS 9)".

Printing from Classic applications

See technical document 106710: "Mac OS X: How to Print From a Classic Application".

More information about Classic

See "Classic" on pages 14 and 15 of your "Welcome to Mac OS X" booklet.

You can find more information in Mac Help, or search for other technical documents using the phrase "Mac OS X and Classic".


See technical document 106677: "Mac OS X: Troubleshooting the Classic Environment".
Published Date: Oct 8, 2016