Mac OS X Server: Restricted SMTP Relay Helps Prevent Unsolicited Email ("spam")

Mac OS X Server 10.1.3 or later offers a Restricted SMTP Relay feature for the Apple Mail Server. This allows the server to accept SMTP relay traffic only from approved hosts or IP addresses, thus to avoid being an open relay for people who send unsolicited email or "spammers."
Restricted SMTP Relay feature to prevent unsolicited email

If you are running the Mail Server feature of a Mac OS X Server that is connected to the Internet, it is essential that you use SMTP restrictions to keep the server from becoming an open relay. An "open relay" is a mail server that allows third parties to send mail to other third parties without authentication. Third parties can find an open relay and use it to send unsolicited email (sometimes called "spam"), and then a variety of spam prevention services will blacklist the open relay. Mac OS X Server 10.1.3 or later includes the Restricted SMTP Relay feature to prevent this. Points to remember:
Published Date: Oct 10, 2016