Mac OS X Server 10.1.3: Automatic Update Will Not Install if 10.0 Was Previously Installed

If you have updated Mac OS X Server version 10.0.3 or 10.0.4 to version 10.1 or later without erasing the disk, then you must apply the Mac OS X Server 10.1.3 Update with a standalone installer (not with Automatic Software Update).

When you try to use the Software Update feature of System Preferences, "Mac OS X Server 10.1.3" installation will not start.

Sometimes this is related to the file "Info-macos.plist" in the Apache.rasplug package.


You may temporarily avoid the issue in some cases by using a standalone installer of the software. But to permanently resolve the issue and prevent recurrence,, you should delete the file "Info-macos.plist". Follow these steps:
Published Date: Feb 17, 2012