- Some settings that should be in Japanese appear in English.
- The Macintosh Manager application cannot be used.
- Apple (AFP) and Windows (SMB) file services may not work.
This issue is resolved in Mac OS X Server 10.2 or later. For upgrade information, see:
Apple Japan - Mac OS X Server Up-To-Date
Users of Mac OS X Server 10.1.5 may follow these steps:
1. Open Server Admin.
2. Click the File & Print tab.
3. Choose Configure Apple File Service from the Apple module.
4. Click the Access tab.
5. Choose Japanese from the "Encoding for older clients" pop-up menu.
6. Click Save, and close the window.
7. Choose Configure Windows Services from the Windows module.
8. Click the General tab.
9. Choose Japanese from the "Code Page" pop-up menu.
10. Click Save.
You can perform the steps above remotely from a computer that has the Mac OS X Server administration tools installed. If you log in locally at the server you will initially see English menus. To correct this, follow these additional steps:
1. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.
2. Choose International from the View menu.
3. Drag Japanese to the top of the Languages list.
4. Choose Log Out from the Apple menu.
5. Optional: To correct the language of the Login window, you should repeat Steps 1 to 4 while logged in as the root user. For more information see technical document 106290, "Mac OS X: About the root User and How to Enable It".