Apple Remote Desktop 1.2 or Earlier: How to Remotely Configure on Mac OS X Server 10.2

This document explains how to remotely configure Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) versions 1.2 or earlier on Mac OS X Server 10.2 or later. When set up via these instructions, the server is available as an Apple Remote Desktop client.

Note: This document does not apply to ARD versions 1.2.1 to 1.2.4 or version 2.0 or later.

This document explains how to remotely configure Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) versions 1.2 or earlier on Mac OS X Server 10.2 or later. When set up via these instructions, the server is available as an Apple Remote Desktop client.

Note: This document does not apply to ARD versions 1.2.1 to 1.2.4 or version 2.0 or later.

These instructions assume you have already installed Apple Remote Desktop. If you have not, see the Xserve manuals for instructions on how to remotely install Apple Remote Desktop.

Steps for remotely configuring ARD:

  1. From your remote computer, make an ssh connection to Xserve. The command is:

    ssh root@server_address

    Note: Replace "server_address" with the actual IP address or DNS name of Xserve.

  2. Provide your root password when prompted. Unless you have changed it, the root password is the same as that of the first Admin user created for Xserve.

  3. In order for ARD to be on after every startup, the hostconfig file must be edited. It must include the line "ARDAGENT=-YES-". You can do this by using a CLI text editor (such as pico or vi). This example uses pico. The command is:

    pico /etc/hostconfig

  4. Press the down arrow (cursor) key to scroll to the end of the file. On a new line type:


  5. Save the file ( press Control-O), press Return, and exit pico (press Control-X).

  6. You must add a NetInfo property and value. In this example the user to be configured has a short name of "stewart". You would execute this command, replacing "stewart" with the short name of your chosen user:

    niutil -createprop . /users/stewart naprivs -1073741569

  7. Restart the Xserve by typing this command then pressing Return:

    shutdown -r now

  8. After the Xserve restarts, open ARD. Add the Xserve, using the username and password of your chosen user (stewart in this example).
Published Date: Oct 10, 2016