When a user tries to log in to Macintosh Manager, an alert box with this message appears: "error -23045", and the user cannot log in.
To resolve the issue, examine these three areas:
1. Locate the user's Home directory and verify permissions on the share point containing the home directory. If only one user is affected, compare the privileges of that user's Home directory to that of one on the same sharepoint that works. For more information on troubleshooting privileges, see technical document 106712, "Mac OS X: Troubleshooting Permissions Issues".
2. If your server uses a RAID device or an external hard drive (such as a FireWire hard drive), then review technical document 106604, "Mac OS X Server 10.1: Setting Privileges to Share FireWire or RAID Hard Disks and Other Removable Media".
3. In NetInfo Manager, verify that the home_loc property and value of the user's record is consistent with the network address of the server.