When you try to install Mac OS X Server 10.2, an alert box with this message appears:
"Cannot Install due to Errors"
Follow these steps:
1. Start up normally from the target computer's Mac OS X startup disk (not from the Server CD).
2. Log in as an Admin user.
3. Open Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/).
Important: Commands that are typed as one line may appear below as two lines in your Web browser, due to text wrapping. To ensure that you enter them correctly, you may wish to copy and paste the text into Terminal.
4. Type: sudo mkdir /Library/Receipts/Previous_Receipts
5. Press Return.
6. Type: sudo mv /Library/Receipts/French.pkg /Library/Receipts/Previous_Receipts/
7. Press Return.
8. Type: sudo mv /Library/Receipts/German.pkg /Library/Receipts/Previous_Receipts/
9. Press Return.
10. Type: sudo mv /Library/Receipts/Japanese.pkg /Library/Receipts/Previous_Receipts/
11. Press Return.
12. Type: sudo mv /Library/Receipts/BSD.pkg /Library/Receipts/Previous_Receipts/
13. Press Return.
14. Quit Terminal.
You should now be able to start up from CD to install Mac OS X Server 10.2. This will create new receipts based on the packages in Mac OS X Server 10.2.
Note: If at any point you choose to repair permissions, they may be incorrectly set for certain items due to the new receipts. You should verify that global permissions correction is necessary. If, for example, an executable file is only allowed to be used by the root user, but an Admin user also requires the ability to execute the file, you would only need to adjust permission on that item to grant rights to the Admin user.