AirPort 2.0.4: How to Administer an AirPort Base Station via a Dial-Up Connection (PPP Dial-In)

With AirPort 2.0.4 or later software and an AirPort Base Station (Dual Ethernet or Extreme), you have the ability to administer the base station over a dial-up connection. This document describes features and setup.
An AirPort Base Station (Dual Ethernet or Extreme) with AirPort 2.0.4 or later software can accept an incoming dial-up (PPP) connection. This feature is referred to alternatively as "remote access", "PPP Server" and "PPP Dial-in".

The person dialing up can connect to the base station and access:

Follow these steps to enable this feature:

After you click Configure, you can set:

Published Date: Oct 11, 2016