RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) is a client-server protocol for centralized user authentication, profiles, and network statistics. A RADIUS server may also store your hardware Access Control List so that it is not necessary to enter it for each base station on your network. If you have set up a RADIUS server on your network, you may configure the AirPort Base Station (Dual Ethernet) to use it. To do this:
1. Connect to the base station via AirPort Admin Utility.
2. Click the Authentication tab.
3. Select the "Use RADIUS Authentication checkbox."
4. Enter the IP address, port number, and shared secret for the servers.
5. Update the base station.
1. The base station will look first to its local Access Control List. If the MAC address is there, the client can join the network. If the MAC address is not in the local Access Control List, the base station checks the RADIUS server for the MAC address. If it is there, the user can join the network.
2. The AirPort Base Station (Graphite) does not offer RADIUS authentication. It is a feature included with AirPort 2.0.4 or later.
Important: Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided for information purposes only, and does not constitute Apple's recommendation or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
Document 17159, "
Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.