Mac OS X 10.2: Printing to Shared HP Printer Causes Application to Unexpectedly Quit

The application from which you are printing may unexpectedly quit ("crash") or stop responding when printing to a Hewlett Packard printer via printer sharing. This occurs at the printing computer when the sharing computer has a different HP driver version installed.

When you try to print, the printing application unexpectedly quits or stops responding. This can happen when the printer is directly connected directly or if the HP printer is selected in the Print dialog box.

If crash reporting is enabled in Console preferences, the crash log may contain an entry similar to this one:

Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0x656e747f

Thread 0 Crashed:
#0 0x04827488 in UnregisterEvent__8AControlP21OpaqueEventHandlerRef
#1 0x0482f47c in UnregisterEvent__20AControlGroupControlP21OpaqueEventHandlerRef
#2 0x04808190 in UnregisterEvent__24APaperPdeUserPaneControl
#3 0x047c28c4 in Terminate__18ATypeAndQualityPdel
#4 0x047b5b48 in TerminateStub
#5 0x91d23200 in _ZN8PDEPanel9TerminateEl
#6 0x91d09640 in _ZN21PJCPrintingDialogBase14AddPanelToMenuEP8PJCPanelPK10__CFStringP20OpaquePMPrintSession
#7 0x91d0b22c in _ZN15PJCPrintDialogs14AddPMPDEToMenuEP8PJCPanelP20OpaquePMPrintSession
#8 0x91d08edc in _ZN21PJCPrintingDialogBase15UpdatePanelMenuEP20OpaquePMPrintSession
#9 0x91d055d4 in _ZN21PJCPrintingDialogBase10LoadPanelsEP20OpaquePMPrintSession
#10 0x91d1f4b4 in _ZN15PJCPrintDialogs10LoadPanelsEP20OpaquePMPrintSession
#11 0x91d03e54 in _ZN15PJCPrintDialogs13DoPrintDialogEP20OpaquePMPrintSessionP21OpaquePMPrintSettingsP18OpaquePMPageFormat
#12 0x91d1f5f8 in _ZN15PJCPrintDialogs11DoPrintMainEP20OpaquePMPrintSessionP21OpaquePMPrintSettingsP18OpaquePMPageFormatPFvS3_PP14OpaquePMDialogE
#13 0x91d137c8 in PJCPrintDialogMain
#14 0x91d155d0 in PMSessionPrintDialogMain


At each computer, follow these steps:

Important: There is a separate issue with Mac OS X 10.2.2 and the latest versions of HP drivers, depending on which printer you have. The issue may be avoided by updating to Mac OS X 10.2.3. Before installing new HP drivers, review these technical documents:

32147: "Mac OS X 10.2.2: Sluggish System Performance After Installing HP Printer Drivers"
107263: "Mac OS X: About the Mac OS X 10.2.3 Update"

Important: Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided for information purposes only, and does not constitute Apple's recommendation or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional information.

Document 17159, "Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.
Published Date: Oct 11, 2016