You can apply a Mac OS X system software update to an existing NetBoot image so that your clients start up from the latest software version. You may download updates from Apple Software Downloads (
To update an image using these instructions, you must have been logged in to the server as the root user when you created the image.
Follow these steps:
1. Log on to the server as the root user. For help, see technical document 106290, "Mac OS X: About the root User and How to Enable It".
2. Open Server Settings.
3. Click the Network tab.
4. Choose Configure DCHP/NetBoot from the DHCP/NetBoot menu.
5. Click the Image tab.
6. Deselect the checkbox in the Enabled column for the image that you want to update.
7. In the Finder, locate the image (the image.dmg file in /Library/NetBoot/NetBootSPx/image.nbi).
8. Select the file, then choose Get Info from the File menu.
9. Deselect the Locked checkbox.
10. Using the same method, unlock the associated boot file (/Library/NetBoot/NetBootSPx/image.nbi/booter).
11. Double-click the image file to mount the image.
12. At this point, install the software update according to its instructions. Be sure to select the mounted NetBoot image as the destination disk for the update.
13. Open the Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/).
14. In this step, you will type a series of commands in the Terminal. Each command is preceded by the pound (#) sign. After typing each command, press Return. These commands update the boot files:
# cd /Library/NetBoot/NetBootSPx/image.nbi
# vsdbutil -a /Volumes/image
# kextcache -l -n -m mach.macosx.mkext /Volumes/image/System/Library/Extensions
# cp /Volumes/image/usr/standalone/ppc/bootx.bootinfo booter
# cp /Volumes/image/mach_kernel mach.macosx
15. In Server Settings, re-enable the NetBoot image.
Important software license information:
In accordance with the Network Install and Mac OS X Server software license agreements, you may use the software in this manner as long as you ensure that each end user of the image files is aware of and complies with the terms of the software license(s) that governs the use of the software contained within the image files. The Network Install and Mac OS X Server software may be used to install and reproduce materials so long as your use is limited to reproduction of non-copyrighted materials, materials in which you own the copyright, or materials you are authorized or legally permitted to reproduce.