To install Mac OS software (along with any packages you add) with limited or no interaction from the client computer, use the Network Image Utility to create an automated install image, then update the associated configuration file and enable the image.
Follow these steps to set up an OS image for automated installation:
1. Create a new image using the Network Image Utility. In doing so, choose Network Install as the image type, and select "Enable automated install of the image."
2. Mount the new image, which is located at /Library/NetBoot/NetBootSPx/image.nbi.
3. Open the file minstallconfig.xml using the Property List Editor. The file is in the mounted image, in the folder /private/etc.
4. Adjust the values in the minstallconfig.xml file to specify the details of the installation and determine whether any interaction will be required from the client. When you are finished, save your changes. See "About the minstallconfig.xml File" on page 551 of the Server Admin Guide.
5. Eject the image.
6. Enable the image in Server Settings.
The Server Admin Guide is available from technical document 50525, "
Mac OS X Server Manuals".
Important software license information
In accordance with the Network Install and Mac OS X Server software license agreements, you may use the software in this manner as long as you ensure that each end user of the image files is aware of and complies with the terms of the software license(s) that governs the use of the software contained within the image files. The Network Install and Mac OS X Server software may be used to install and reproduce materials so long as your use is limited to reproduction of non-copyrighted materials, materials in which you own the copyright, or materials you are authorized or legally permitted to reproduce.