- Some Mac OS X-compatible printers don't work as base station printers. If yours doesn't seem to be working, try this troubleshooting.
- USB printing with an AirPort Extreme Base Station requires Mac OS X 10.2.3 or later.
- Mac OS X Bonjour (formerly "Rendezvous") technology is used to share the printer over your network. In the event that a compatible printer is not available to you using the steps below, remember to troubleshoot factors such as network configuration and firewalls that may affect Bonjour.
Follow these steps to print:
- Open Print Center (Applications/Utilities/).
- Click Add.
- Choose Bonjour from the upper pop-up menu. If a compatible USB printer is recognized by the AirPort Extreme Base Station, it appears in the printer list.
- Select the printer you want to use.
Note: Be aware that the same printer may appear twice, under two different names. This may be the normal result of having connected the USB printer directly to your computer, then later connecting it directly to the base station, as shown below.
If this happens and you do not know which is correct, choose Show Info from the Printers menu. As shown below, the Location field shows the printer is connected to a base station named "Boquillas". As in this example, check for the name of your base station here.
- Click Add.