This is an example scenario:
- A Mac OS 9 client selects AppleShare in the Chooser and connects to a Mac OS X Server AFP share point.
- Later, the client again tries to connect to another AFP volume from the same server in the same manner, without first putting away (unmounting) the first volume.
- When the "already connected" dialog appears with the list of available share points, the client sees a message that says: "server failed to respond" or a similar message.
This symptom occurs when the server replies to the client with an AFP packet that is too large for the Mac OS 9 client to understand. Certain configurations on the server may cause the reply packet to be large enough to cause this symptom:
- Secure Connections (AFP over SSH) enabled
- TIM enabled (Mac OS X Server 10.2 and earlier)
- Long server name
- Multiple Ethernet interfaces configured
To work around the issue:
- Put away all of the volumes on the client side.
- Reconnect and select all of the volumes you want to use at once, rather than in succession.