The Remote Desktop 1.2 administration application can update Mac OS X clients ARD 1.1 clients to version 1.2. The clients do not need to be connected to the Internet to do this. After updating the administration computer, the Remote Desktop application will prompt you to update Mac OS X clients when you are at the Computer Status window.
If one administration computer is unable to reach the Internet, you may use another administration system that is able to reach the Internet to download the ARD updater package. You may follow these steps at that computer:
1. Open System Preferences.
2. Choose View > Software Update.
3. Click Update Now.
4. Select the checkbox for the ARD Update.
5. Choose Update > Download Checked Items to Desktop.
Note: The downloaded update package should only be used on a computer that has the same versions of Mac OS X and ARD as the computer on which you download it (version of ARD in this instance refers to administration or client; version of Mac OS X refers to 10.1.x or 10.2.x).