Client computers cannot start up from the NetBoot or Network Install image.
To prevent this issue from occurring, be sure that permissions are enabled for the source volume. You may use Disk Utility to repair an existing image or client installation that is affected by this issue.
I. Prior to creating an image, click here.
II. To repair an existing image, click here.
III. To repair an existing client installation, click here.
I. How to enable permissions for a volume
Permissions are enabled by default for some types of volumes but disabled by default for others, to correspond with the way that the volume is most likely to be used. Some operating system installation CDs, for example, may have permissions enabled by default. Since you cannot change a write-only CD, remember that any change made to the permissions setting for a CD is stored on the computer where the change is made. To be sure permissions are enabled for any volume, follow these steps prior to creating a NetBoot or Network Install image:
1. Insert or connect the volume to be imaged (if applicable). Example: If you are creating a Network Install image of Mac OS X 10.2, insert Disc 1 of the Mac OS X Install CD set.
2. Click the Finder icon in the Dock.
3. Choose Go > Computer.
4. Select the volume to be imaged.
5. Choose File > Get Info.
6. In the Info window, click the disclosure triangle for Ownership & Permissions.
7. Be sure that the checkbox for "Ignore ownership on this volume" is NOT selected, then close the Info window.
Note: If you are creating an image from a multi-CD set, repeat the steps for each CD prior to making an image from them. Example: If you plan to use Disc 2 of the Mac OS X Install CD set for your Network Install image, eject Disc 1, and repeat the steps above for Disc 2.
You may now create the image using the directions from the Mac OS X Server Admin Guide. You can download the latest version of the Admin Guide from the Apple Manuals page (
II. How to repair an existing image
To repair an existing NetBoot image, follow these steps at the server:
1. Open Disk Copy (/Applications/Utilities/).
2. Drag the image file into the Disk Copy window to mount it.
3. Open Disk Utility.
4. Click the First Aid tab.
5. Select the volume to be repaired.
6. Click the Repair Disk Permissions button.
Note: Network Installation image permissions cannot be repaired and requires recreation in order to properly function.
III. How to repair a client installation
To repair permissions on a client installation, use the diskutil tool in Terminal. Follow these steps at the client computer:
1. Open Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/).
2. Type: sudo diskUtil repairPermissions /
3. Press Return.
4. Type your Admin user account password when prompted, then press Return.
5. Quit Terminal.