The Computers setup window does not appear when it should.
Remote Desktop may not display the Computers window when the following file is missing or unusable:
Remote Desktop stores information on added client computers and computer lists in the user's keychain (~/Library/Keychains/).
The file "", which is saved in ~/Library/Preferences/, contains a reference to the user's keychain. If this file is missing or unusable, Remote Desktop may "lose" the added client computers and computer lists. Additionally, Remote Desktop will not display the Computers window when this file is missing or unusable.
Important: In following these steps, you will make a copy of the original preference file, edit it, then replace the original with the copy. If at any point you think you have made a mistake or any unintended change, close the copy without saving changes and return to Step 5.
1. Locate the file:
2. Select the file in the Finder window.
3. Choose File > Duplicate.
4. Open TextEdit.
5. Choose File > Open.
6. Type:
~/Library/Preferences/ copy.plist
7. Click Open.
8. Verify that the "DefaultKeychain" key is present in the file. Here is a sample of the "DefaultKeychain" key to look for:
9. You likely see that "DefaultKeychain" key is not present, but the "DLDBSearchList" key is present. If so, continue to the next step. (If not, then another issue may be the cause. Consider contacting Apple Technical Support in this case.)
10. Copy the "DLDBSearchList" key information, starting with and including the "<key>", through and including the "</array>" tag.
11. Paste it in a new line after the last "</array>" of the file.
12. In the pasted text, change "
<key>DLDBSearchList</key>" to read:
13. Save the file.
14. Before replacing the files, be sure that the Remote Desktop application is not open.
15. In the Finder, open your Preferences folder ( ~/Library/Preferences/)
16. Rename "" to:
17. Rename " copy.plist" to: