Mac OS X Server: About starting and stopping web service with the apachectl script

You should be aware of certain behaviors, described below, when using the apachectl script to stop and start Web service.
The default way to start and stop Apache on Mac OS X Server is to use the Web module of Server Settings. When you start Web service using Server Settings, the Watchdog startup item starts several processes, including one named serversettingsd, which is part of Server Settings. The serversettingsd process includes several plugins, including one for Apache. The Apache plugin checks the #AutoStartServer pseudo-comment in /etc/httpd/httpd_macosxserver.conf; if it's set to On, it raises the soft process limit and does "apachectl start".

If you want to use the apachectl script to start and stop Web service instead of using Server Settings, be aware of the following behaviors:
Published Date: Feb 17, 2012