Mac OS X Server 10.2: How to Add Apple Remote Desktop to a Network Install Image

This document explains how to add Apple Remote Desktop administration or client software to a Network Install image.
Follow the steps below to add Remote Desktop administration or client software to a Network Install image. These steps are written for a version 10.2 installation. If installing version 10.1 then be sure to use the 10.1 pref package in place of the 10.2 pref package in step 7.

1. On the NetBoot Server, log in with the root account. If you need help, see technical document 106290, "Mac OS X: About the root User and How to Enable It".

2. In Server Settings, stop the NetBoot/DHCP Service (be sure no NetBoot clients are online).

3. Navigate in the Finder to your Network Install image:

4. Select the image, and choose File > Get Info.

5. Unlock the image, and close the Info window.

6. Double-click the disk image file to mount it.

7. Copy the following files to the Packages folder in the mounted image (/System/Installation/Packages):
	RDAdmin.pkg (optional administration software)

8. Control-click the OSInstall.mpkg file in the mounted image (/System/Installation/Packages), and choose Show Package Contents from the shortcut menu that appears.

9. Open the Contents folder (inside OSInstall.mpkg), then open the file Info.plist that you find there, using a text editing application of your choice.

10. Copy and paste one of the existing entries, which take this form:

11. Change the value of the IFPkgFlagPackageLocation key to the name of the first package you put in the Packages folder in step 7.

Note: The value is the text between the "string" tags.

12. Change the value of the IFPkgFlagPackageSelection key to "required" or "selected". For example:

13. Repeat steps 10 through 12 for each additional package copied in step 7.

14. (Optional) Open the file NBImageInfo.plist (in /Library/NetBoot/NetBootSPx/<image name>.nbi/). Change the value of the Name key to what you would like to appear when selecting a Startup Disk. For example:
    <string>10.2 + ARD 1.2</string>

15. Put away the image.

16. In Server Settings, enable the image (if the image does not appear under the Images tab, quit and reopen Server Settings).

17. Start the NetBoot/DHCP service.

See also page 548 of the 10.2.3 Server Admin Guide for more information on adding packages to a Network Install image, or to technical document 107356, "Mac OS X Server: How to Add Packages to an OS Install Image".

Important software license information

In accordance with the Network Install and Mac OS X Server software license agreements, you may use the software in this manner as long as you ensure that each end user of the image files is aware of and complies with the terms of the software license(s) that governs the use of the software contained within the image files. The Network Install and Mac OS X Server software may be used to install and reproduce materials so long as your use is limited to reproduction of non-copyrighted materials, materials in which you own the copyright, or materials you are authorized or legally permitted to reproduce.
Published Date: Oct 7, 2016