Safari does not work after installing version 1.0

If you have installed multiple copies of Safari, the Installer will upgrade the first copy it finds. This may not be the copy that is in use. Subsequently, Safari may not work at all.
To resolve the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Finder icon in the Dock.
  2. From the File menu, choose Find.
  3. Type "" in the File Name Contains field.
  4. Click Search.

    Note: The resulting files will be named simply "Safari", since the ".app" suffix is hidden by default.

  5. One at a time, double-click the copies of Safari that are found until you find the one that works.
  6. Using the copy that works, download Safari again from its website (
  7. Drag all copies of to the Trash.
  8. Reinstall Safari using the Installer you just downloaded.

Published Date: Oct 7, 2016