Important: Read Before Installing
1. You may experience unexpected results if you have installed third-party system software modifications, or if you have modified the operating system through other means. This precautionary statement does not apply to the normal installation of application software.
2. To install Mac OS X Server 10.2.8, you must enter the password for an administrator account. The password cannot contain a space or special characters typed by pressing the Option key.
If you need to change an administrator account password, on the Apple menu click System Preferences; then on the View menu, click Accounts. Select the account name and click Edit User. Type the current password and press Return, then type the new password in both text boxes. Click OK when you are done.
3. The installation process should not be interrupted. Monitor progress by clicking the Detailed Progress disclosure triangle. If a power outage or other interruption occurs during installation, use the standalone installer (see below) from Apple Featured Software to install.
There are two ways to update to Mac OS X Server 10.2.8.
Automatic Software Update
You may have been referred to this document by Automatic Software Update. For more information on this feature, see technical document 106704, "
Mac OS X: How to Update Your Software".
Because some updates are prerequisites for others, you may need to use Software Update more than once to get all desired updates.
Standalone Installers
An installer is also available from
Apple Software Downloads.
Two versions of the installer are available. One is for updating version 10.2.6 to 10.2.8; the other updates version 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.3, 10.2.4, 10.2.5, or 10.2.6 to 10.2.8 (a "Combo" update). This document describes the former. If you need to use the Combo update, see technical document 107648, "
Mac OS X Server: About the Mac OS X Server 10.2.8 Update (Combo)".
Enhancements delivered with this update
This update delivers the enhancements outlined below. This installer is server-specific, but the issues it resolves are not. This update provides the same fixes found in the client version of the Mac OS X 10.2.8 Update. The issues described below are relevant in a server setting, but you must also update the client computers.
Directory Services - LDAPv3
The update addresses these issues that could occur when using the LDAPv3 plug-in:
- The first login by a user works normally, but subsequent login attempts do not.
- Clients do not reestablish connection after entering CLOSE_WAIT state.
Background: If a Mac OS X 10.2.7 (or earlier) LDAP client lost its connection to the LDAP server for any reason (such as server timeout, network interruption, or sleep/wake), the LDAPv3 plug-in would sometimes mishandle the transaction and wait for a standard two-minute timeout period to expire before attempting to reconnect. Version 10.2.8 is far better at noticing a lost connection and attempts to reconnect immediately. This improves performance in environments with heavily loaded LDAP servers or LDAP servers with idle disconnect behavior.
Directory Services - Password Server
- Addresses a situation in which Password Server clients could lose the ability to log in after a period of uptime.
Background: Under moderate to heavy load, Password Server could exhaust the server's available socket resources. Mac OS X 10.2.8 resolves the issue by providing proper server-client cleanup in all circumstances, allowing the system to run for longer periods of time.