You can manage the client from the same list when both of the following are true:
1. The Remote Desktop administrator's password is the same for Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X. (See Notes, below.)
2. The client computer was added to the list while started up from Mac OS 9, entering both the name and the password (not just the password).
1. In Mac OS 9, the Remote Desktop administrator's password is set in the Remote Desktop Security application.
2. In Mac OS X, the Remote Desktop administrator's password belongs to a user who has been granted privileges in the Remote Desktop System Preferences pane.
This example illustrates the configuration, using the name "ARD User" and the password "Apple".
1. In Mac OS X, create a user named "ARD User" with the password "Apple".
2. In the Remote Desktop System preference pane, give this user access.
3. Change the startup system folder to Mac OS 9, and restart the computer.
4. Open Remote Desktop Security, and authenticate.
5. Change the current administrator's password to "Apple".
6. While the computer is still started up from Mac OS 9, add it to the computer list in the Remote Desktop application. When entering the authentication info, enter both the user name ("ARD User") and the password ("Apple").
The computer will now appear in the list whether started up from Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X.