Mac OS X Server 10.3: About disk quotas, home directory disk quotas, and BSD quotas

Learn about the different ways quotas can be used on Mac OS X Server 10.3 volumes and directories. You can implement one type of quota or a combination, depending on your needs.
Soft and Hard quotas--the differences

"Soft" Disk Quotas - User accounts have a fixed amount of disk space in their Documents folder. This disk space can be used for any purpose. Soft Quotas allow users to exceed the defined disk quota in order to save a single file. However, users are subsequently prevented from saving additional files. Note that neither the user nor the administrator has an interface for viewing the status of soft quotas.

"Hard" Disk Quota - This feature prevents users from exceeding their defined quotas. A hard quota does not allow a file that would exceed the quota to be saved. When using AFP, the hard quota is represented to the user as available space remaining on the volume.

Setting quotas with Workgroup Manager

Worgroup Manager allows you to set hard quotas for user home directories. In the Sharing pane of Workgroup Manager, there is an option to enable quotas on a given volume. You must select this for the home directory share point(s) prior to setting home directory quotas for specific users. Next, you can use the "disk quota" setting in the User Home pane to regulate the disk usage of a particular user's home directory on a volume.

AFP applies quotas to the file system when a user with a home directory quota logs in. Quota limits always apply to the entire volume. In the case of home directories, the quota will apply to any files saved or owned by the user within the volume the homes are shared from.

For example: If an administrator were to share both a group folder and home directories from the same server partition, enable quotas for that partition, and set a quota for a user who had a home directory in that share point, then the quota would apply to files owned by the user in both her home directory and group folder.

Setting quotas in Terminal

You can use the "edquota" command in Terminal to set quotas for users and groups outside the scope of quotas set in Workgroup Manager. For example: You could use this tool to set quotas for any user or group volumes that are not home directories.

If you make any settings that overlap with Workgroup Manager, Workgroup Manager will override edquota.

Usage of the edquota command is documented in its man page (execute "man edquota" in Terminal to see it). You should be proficient in command line usage before using the command. See also the man pages for repquota, quotaon, and quotaoff.

Note: Apple does not provide any free-of-charge technical support for use of these commands.

For more information on Disk Quotas, see the Mac OS X Server 10.3 User Management Administration Guide
Published Date: Oct 7, 2016