Java 1.4.2: JBoss and Tomcat Do Not Start After Installing Java 1.4.2 Update

Find out what to do if JBoss and Tomcat do not start after installing the Java 1.4.2 update.

The run.conf script for starting the JBoss server has a hardcoded reference to the 1.4.1 JVM. Installing the Java 1.4.2 Update removes the Java 1.4.1 installation, and JBoss/Tomcat services will not be able to start. Neither the Server Manager application nor Console will indicate why the service cannot start.

Solution for Mac OS X Server

A JBoss/Tomcat software update is available for Panther server. It installs a new /Library/JBoss/3.2/bin/run.conf file. The original file will be renamed to run.conf.applesaved. It is up to the administrator to merge any customizations back into the new run.conf file.

Solution for Mac OS X (client)

If you have optionally installed the ApplicationsServersDev.pkg from the Developer Tools CD, just update the reference.

The reference below should be changed in the file: /Library/JBoss/3.2/bin/run.conf




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Published Date: Oct 7, 2016