Important: Read Before Installing
- An administrator account password that does not contain spaces or Option-keyed characters is required to install. The password may not be blank. If your password must be changed, follow these steps: Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu. Choose Accounts from the View menu. Select an Admin account and click Edit User. Type your current password, and press Return. Change the password, and click OK.
- You may experience unexpected results if you have installed third-party system software modifications, or if you have modified the operating system through other means. This precautionary statement does not apply to the normal installation of application software.
- The installation process should not be interrupted. Monitor progress by clicking the Detailed Progress disclosure triangle. If a power outage or other interruption occurs during installation, use the standalone installer (see below) from Apple Software Downloads to install.
- This update can be installed on non-startup volumes, but that should be done only when the current startup volume has already been updated to Mac OS X Server 10.3.3. The simplest way to avoid issues from an improper installation is to start up from the volume that you wish to update.
- If you use a MySQL database, you must back it up prior to upgrade. See the Additional Information for MySQL section, below.
- If you have set up a loginhook, a custom serial port configuration, or have edited the "/etc/ttys" file for other reasons, you will need to back it up prior to installation of this update.This is because the 10.3.3 update overwrites the file with a new copy. The new file will set the Xserve's serial port to communicate at 56Kbps. If your serial device cannot communicate at this speed, you must edit this file to reduce the speed.
There are two ways to update to Mac OS X Server 10.3.3: Software Update and Standalone Installer.
Software Update Installation
You may have been referred to this document by Software Update. For more information on this feature, see
How to Update Your Software.
Because some updates are prerequisites for others, you may need to use Software Update more than once to get all available updates.
Standalone Installer
An installer is also available from
Apple Featured Software.
The Mac OS X Server 10.3.3 Update is specifically for updating version 10.3.2. There is also a "
combo" installer available, which will update version 10.3, 10.3.1, or 10.3.2.
Remote Installation
If you need to install the update on a remotely located computer, you can do so using either the
Server Admin application or the "
softwareupdate" command-line tool. Choose the method that works best for you.
These are some of the enhancements that are part of Mac OS X 10.3.3 Server Update:
Open Directory (Directory Services)
- Improved Directory Services reliability in Active Directory Domains with large number of hosts/clients.
- Addresses an issue in which a Kerberized AFP server may return a "-5023" error when a client attempts mount a volume on the server.
- The Active Directory plug-in is no longer sensitive to the case of the domain; the plug-in now works in ".local" domain environments; the plug-in can now work with DNS records that don't have matching reverse lookup; and the plug-in can work in environments that are not hierarchical.
- Addresses an issue in which the response to certain DNS lookups could cause the lookupd process to quit, which would in turn cause the server to stop responding if Crash Reporter was enabled.
Network Services
- NAT Service: Port redirects function correctly after the natd.plist is modified with the appropriate redirect entries. Addresses an issue of incorrectly parsed redirect_port entries in /etc/nat/natd.plist causing an incorrect natd command to be written to /etc/nat/
- NAT Service: Addresses an issue in which all network interfaces would be available for port forwarding under the "Network connection to share" menu in Server Admin. Now only the active network interfaces (as configured in Network preferences) should be available for selection.
- VPN Service : Addresses an issue in which VPN Server daemon may not be installed when upgrading from Mac OS X Server 10.2 to Mac OS X Server 10.3.
- VPN Service: Adds a tool which allows users in an LDAP domain to make VPN connections to the server via PPTP.
- VPN Service: Addresses an issue in which the server may experience a kernel panic if the VPN service is enabled and has active PPP interfaces.
General Networking
- Provides 802.1q Virtual LAN (VLAN) support on secondary PCI gigabit Ethernet cards available or included with Xserves. VLAN allows multiple computers that are on different physical LANs to communicate with each other as if they were on the same LAN. Benefits include more efficient network bandwidth utilization and greater security, because broadcast or multicast traffic is only sent to computers on the common network segment.
- Increases the size of the Ethernet receive ring elements (RxRingElements) from 64 to 256, which allows the server to handle high-volume inbound network traffic more efficiently.
- Addresses issues that could occur when connecting to a network device that is "locked" (the device forces the network speed and/or duplex setting), such as losing the network connection.
- AppleTalk Browsing is on by default in Directory Access. This setting allows browsing for servers in AppleTalk Zones with the default installation of this update.
- Resolves an issue in which name conflicts could occur among Network Service Entities, such as SLP, AppleTalk and SMB.
- All available servers can be seen when browsing Windows Workgroups or Domains.
- Enhancements to /Network browsing include: Servers appear on the desktop and in Finder window Sidebars; AFP Authentication options are available; and you can disconnect a server by dragging its icon on the desktop to the Trash or by clicking the Eject icon in the Sidebar.
- Improves compatibility for certain third-party wireless PC cards, such as the Honda AH-G10. More...
- Finder and applications that allow you to browse the file system now refresh the contents of a remote network volume's folder or directory if the folder's contents change.
File Services
- AFP: Addresses an issue in which files residing on a share point may have received a new modification date when opened but not modified. Refreshing the view of modification dates of files on a share point, when viewed from an AFP client, provides more consistent and rapid feedback to users.
- AFP: Improves handling of unexpected network interruptions while editing/saving files to a share point. A file may not have opened because it erroneously appeared to be locked or in use. In some cases this condition may have caused a kernel panic.
- Samba: This release includes Samba 3.0.2 distribution, providing additional features. See the website for more information about this release.
System Imaging (NetBoot/Network Install)
- Improves system reliability for NetBoot clients when used in "Diskless" configuration.
- Network Image Utility: Addresses issue in which the Image Information scroll arrow (up) does not appear to function.
- Network Image Utility: Addresses issue in which selecting Japanese as the default language for a newly created image reverts to English after clicking the Create button.
- Network Image Utility: Addresses issue in which the "Diskless" NetBoot option did not remain active after updating a NetBoot image to Mac OS X 10.3.2.
- Server Admin properly displays the available protocol for Mac OS 9 NetBoot Images as AFP when using the Japanese language.
- Addresses issue where non-English language NetBoot users with network home directories get the English Finder by default rather than language selected during NetBoot image creation.
- Addresses a missing text issue that could occur in Mac OS X 10.3.2 when printing a document that contains Japanese Hiragino OTF or Kozmin CID fonts.
Mail Service
- Addresses an issue in which mail server preferences such as host lists, "bcc to", and relay were not retained when migrating to a new server using "amsmailtool".
- Addresses issue in which "seen flag" settings for each user are not migrated during mail migration using "amsmailtool".
- Improves the mailing list server configuration in Server Admin. You may now save multiple newly-created lists with a large number of members at once.
- Addresses an issue in which the WebMail login window displays English when user had set display options to Japanese.
Web Services
- Addresses an issue In Server Admin (Websites : General) in which erroneous IP addresses could have appeared in the IP Address pop-up menu. This could have occurred if you had recently viewed the same information in another Server Admin connection to another site.
- Allows more flexibility to use special characters in passwords, such as "$", during initial configuration in Server Assistant. In previous releases, inclusion of such characters prevented authentication during login.
- The Web Server log format has been revised to improve the data output for processing by third-party web log analysis software.
- Addresses an issue in which newly saved realms in the httpd.conf file may include artifacts, such as authentication name and limit directives from removed realms.
QuickTime Streaming Server
- Addresses potential denial of service attack that could prevent legitimate usage of the content. This issue is also addressed in a separate Security Update.
- Provides QTSS Live Broadcast with ability to provide streaming content to 3G phone users.
- Addresses an issue in which QuickTime Broadcaster does not send Japanese language annotations correctly to iTunes.
- Addresses an issue in which QTSS Publisher unnecessarily consumes CPU time if left open for a long time (such as 48 to 72 hours).
- Addresses an issue in which MP3 playlists couldn't be removed once published using QTSS Publisher.
- Addresses an issue in which QTSS Publisher does not hint or allow editing of annotations where filenames exceed 32 characters.
Server Administration Tools
- Server Assistant now offers activation of Apple Remote Desktop for the default administrator user account. This option provides automatic activation of the Apple Remote Desktop client service for remote control, software distribution, and so forth to the server before the first login.
- Optimized the way servermgrd plug-ins store history data to reduce idle time CPU load. This should increase responsiveness in server administration and general performance of services.
- Workgroup Manager: Sharing panel display performance improved, reducing the time required to display a large number of share points.
- Workgroup Manager: Sharing panel allows the Shared Library network mount to reside on a non-startup volume on the server. This allows for better organization and management of server network mounts.
- Addresses an issue in which "Copy these privileges to enclosed items" may time out on share points with large numbers of nested folders.
- Workgroup Manager: Addresses a cosmetic issue in the Sharing Panel in which a newly created share point icon may not have appeared.
- Workgroup Manager: Network Mounts: Re-authentication is no longer required after an unsuccessful mount record creation attempt.
- Workgroup Manager: Addresses an issue in the Sharing Panel which prevented dragging and dropping Active Directory groups into the Group ownership field from the Users & Groups list.
Application Server
- The Application Server component JBoss has been updated to allow administrators to take advantage of the new JDK 1.4.2.
- Japanese localized text is changed/corrected in Server Admin:Web:Realms and Server Admin:Mail:Overview.
Finder enhancements
- Improves security after an administrator authenticates a Finder action that the current user wouldn't normally be allowed to perform.
- Addresses an issue in which Finder does not refresh the contents of a remote network volume's folder or directory if the folder's contents change on the server.
- Addresses an issue in which Finder unexpectedly quits when many icons are dragged when the View menu option "Show icon preview" is enabled.
- Improvements when dragging hundreds of items, in both applications and Finder.
Disk Utility (AppleRAID)
- Provides support for online rebuilding of a failed mirrored RAID drive.
- A System Preferences pane for UPS is now available in Energy Saver preferences when a UPS power management system is connected; overall support for UPS systems is improved.
- Mac OS X Server (10-User License) allows 10 individual client computers to connect to the server even when each computer has multiple connections in the form of directly connected users or automounts.
- The Xserve security lock option can now provide USB function for mouse and keyboard while still preventing drive modules from being ejected. This options is configured in the Security system preference for Xserve hardware and may also be remotely configured via command line.
- When the Xserve security lock option is enabled, it ejects any CD/DVD media that is inserted.
Additional Information for MySQL
Data stored in MySQL databases with the version of MySQL that is pre-installed Mac OS X Server 10.3.2 or earlier must be exported and re-imported in order to be compatible with version of MySQL that is pre-installed on Mac OS X Server 10.3.3, in which a byte-ordering issue is fixed.
As with any upgrade install, you should back up your old data. In this particular upgrade, the following process is recommended to convert the data to the correct byte ordering:
Before the upgrade, use the terminal to export the data from your pre-10.3.3 database:
# mysqldump -p table > backup-file.sql
# mysqldump --opt database > backup-file.sql
After the upgrade, and after initializing the MySQL database, import the data:
# mysql -p table < backup-file.sql
# mysql database < backup-file.sql