If you want
older computers such a tray-loading iMac or Power Macintosh G3 (Blue and White) to use NetBoot, you need to enable NetBoot 1.0. You may do this by using Terminal or NetInfo Manager.
Note: Apple does not provide free-of-charge technical support for this configuration. You may receive technical support with an appropriate
support contract.
Using Terminal
To use Terminal, execute these commands:
sudo nicl . create /config/dhcp old_netboot_enabled port_list
sudo killall bootpd
Note: Replace "port_list" with the list of ports you want to enable, formatted like:
en0 en1 en2
Note: NetBoot 1.0 and 2.0 can run on the same network interface simultaneously.
Using NetInfo Manager
- Navigate to /config/dhcp in NetInfo Manager.
- Create a property named: old_netboot_enabled
- Assign the values for the "port_list", or network adapters you wish to enable this property for.
Additional information
The "old_netboot_enabled" attribute enables NetBoot 1.0 (BOOTP-based) NetBoot on the specified list of interface. You can have only one server providing NetBoot 1.0 BootP addressing on a subnet. Leaving the "port_list" blank will enable this property on all ports.
To learn more about bootp, see the bootpd man page and the Mac OS X Server System Image Administration guide.