NetInfo to LDAP migration stalls at data import

When using Server Admin to migrate from NetInfo to LDAP, the migration process may stall at the data import phase.


The progress bar in Server Admin fills about two thirds of the way, then stops. The text "Data Import" appears below the progress bar.

Products affected



First, execute these commands in Terminal:


$ sudo killall slapconfig
$ sudo killall slapadd
$ sudo slapconfig -destroyldapserver
$ sudo rm /var/db/openldap/migration/*.ldif

Next, follow these steps in Directory Access to go back to the original NetInfo configuration:


  1. Select LDAPv3 in the Services panel.
  2. Click the Configure button.
  3. Show Details, if they are not already shown.
  4. Delete the localhost mapping.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Deselect the LDAPv3 checkbox.
  7. Select the NetInfo checkbox.
  8. Select NetInfo.
  9. Click the Configure button.
  10. Configure NetInfo to bind to the IP address of the server with the tag "network".
  11. Click the Authentication tab.
  12. Change the pop-up menu from Custom to Automatic.
  13. Click Apply.
  14. Quit Directory Access.

Back in Terminal, execute this command:


$ nicl .. read /

Look at the value of the master property. It will be <host>/network. Now execute this command:


$ hostname

If the value returned from "hostname" does not match the <host> part of the master property, do this in Terminal:


$ sudo hostname <host>

This will temporarily sync the host names.

Now you should migrate again and restart the server.

Published Date: Oct 10, 2016