Mac OS X Server 10.3: Startup Disk 9.2.6 missing from NetBoot for Mac OS 9 disk image

Page 39 of the 10.3 Server System Image Administration Guide incorrectly states that Startup Disk 9.2.6 is available on the NetBoot for Mac OS 9 CD. Mac OS X Server 10.3 does not come with a NetBoot for Mac OS 9 CD. Instead, you can download it in the form of a disk image.
To locate Startup Disk 9.2.6 on the downloaded image:

  1. Double-click the downloaded NetBoot9.dmg file to open it.
  2. Double-click NetBoot.pkg to begin the installation process.
  3. Install the NetBoot package on your NetBoot server.
  4. Once the installation is complete, open this folder:


  5. Double-click the NetBoot HD.img disk image file to mount it on the desktop.
  6. Open this folder:

    /Volumes/NetBoot HD/System Folder/Control Panels/

  7. Copy the Startup Disk control panel from the disk image to the Control Panels folder in your local hard disk's Mac OS 9 System Folder.

Published Date: Oct 10, 2016