Getting a better AirTunes connection in a Microsoft Windows environment

Does your AirTunes music stream get interrupted when you use AirPort Express and iTunes with Microsoft Windows-based computers? If so, a simple adjustment to the Wireless Network Connection Properties on your Windows computers could help out.

Windows scans for wireless networks every minute, sometimes causing a connection to drop, which you'd hear as skip in your music. Defining your wireless network preferences can help maintain the connection when a computer is doing another wireless activity, such as providing an AirTunes stream. Try this:


  1. Go to Network Connections.
  2. Right-click your Wireless Network Connection, and select Properties.
  3. Select the Wireless Networks tab. In the lower section you'll find a list of your preferred wireless networks.


  4. Move the network you're using for AirTunes to the top of the list.

The updated list order should improve your connection, reducing AirTunes interruptions.


Published Date: Feb 19, 2012