The CRT has a specially constructed aperture grill that improves its convergence and produces a sharp and clear image. The aperture grill is a grid of vertical wires located just behind the CRT screen. These CRTs require a horizontal stabilizing wire or wires to help support the aperture grill. The stabilizing wires, which are thinner than a human hair, dampen the vibration of the aperture grill wires. If the aperture grill wires were allowed to vibrate then the display quality would suffer, each time somebody tapped the display or bumped the table where the display is located.
Typically, displays with a viewing area of 15 inches or less have a single horizontal grid wire approximately one third from the bottom of the display image. Displays larger than 15 inches typically have two wires, each about one-quarter to one-third of the way from the top and bottom of the display image. Televisions may have up to three stabilizing wires, but because of the constantly changing images are rarely noticed.
These Apple products include a tron-style CRT:
- 13-inch High Resolution RGB Monitor
- 14-inch Macintosh Color Display
- Multiple Scan 17 and 20 Displays
- AppleVision 1710 and AppleVision 1710AV Displays
- Macintosh 16-inch Color Display
- Macintosh Color Classic
- AudioVision 14 Display
- Macintosh TV
- Macintosh LC 520, 550, 575
- Performa 550, 560, 575, 577, 578
- ColorSync 17-inch Display
- ColorSync 20-inch Display
- AppleVision 750 Display
- AppleVision 750 AV Display
- AppleVision 850 Display
- AppleVision 850 AV Display
- Apple Studio Display 17 (16 inch viewable image size)
- Apple Studio Display 17 (ADC) (16 inch viewable image size)
- Apple Studio Display 21-inch (19.8-inch viewable image size)