Mac OS 7, 8, and 9: How To Take A Snapshot Of Your Screen

This article describes a way of capturing a picture of what appears on your screen, including the menu bar, trash can and all open windows that are visible.
Press These KeysTo Do This...
Command-Shift-3Create a picture file of the entire screen.
Control-Command-Shift-3Copy entire screen capture to Clipboard instead of saving it as a file.
Command-Shift-4Create a picture file of a rectangular section of the screen. (After pressing and releasing the key combination, drag across the part of the screen you want to take a picture of.)
Control-Command-Shift-4Copy selected portion of screen to clipboard instead of saving it as a file.
Command-Shift-Caps Lock-4Create a picture file of a window. (After pressing and releasing the key combination, click the window you want to take a picture of.)

Each screen shot is saved in the PICT file format at the top (root) level of your hard drive directory and labeled "Picture 1". If you keep taking screenshots, you will get "Picture 2", "Picture 3", and so on.

Related Documents

25133 Mac OS 9: Can Not Take a Snapshot Picture of the Screen
61544 Mac OS X: Shortcuts for Taking Pictures of the Screen

Published Date: Feb 17, 2012