Language Kits: Text Control Panel

The Text control panel does not appear to save its selection. If I change the script setting in the control panel, close it, then open it again, the setting reverts back to Roman/US.
The Text Control Panel comes with the Japanese Language Kit, Chinese Language Kit, or System 7.5. This control panel is for use with WorldScript II and System extensions. It provides the user with the ability to view the scripts of the various languages (alphabets, writing systems) which are installed in the system.

When opened, the Text Control Panel defaults to show System script. The menu will always be set to the System script when the user opens the control panel because the System script is their primary script (the one they use most often).

Note: Changing the "Script" menu in the Text control panel does not set a script to being the active script; it simply displays the text attributes for that particular script.

When running a language kit, the operating system might still be Roman. If it is, Roman would be the script that is shown in the Text control panel. If the operating system is Kanji, then the Text control panel would show Kanji rather than Roman, even though a Language Kit might be installed in the system.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012