AppleShare: Quick Start Instructions

This article will help you set up your AppleShare server.
This Quick Start article will help you set up your AppleShare server. While this article will get you started quickly with your AppleShare server, the documentation supplied with your software -- both printed and electronic -- contains important additional information. The instructions in this section assume you have already performed these tasks:

* You have set up the server computer and connected the server computer to the network.

* You have activated AppleTalk in the Chooser window and selected the appropriate network type in the Network control panel.

* AppleShare 4.0.x (Apple Workgroup Server 60, 80, 6150, or 8150), or AppleShare Pro (Apple Workgroup Server 95) is installed on your Apple Workgroup Server.

If you have not yet performed these tasks, see the documentation that came with either your server computer, or the manual that came with your network cabling system.

Note: Make sure you have all of the components assembled before starting.

Setting Up File Service
1) Choose the AppleShare Admin program alias from the Apple menu.

2) Apple Workgroup Server 60, 80, 6150, or 8150: Enter a contact name and telephone number, and the name of your organization, then enter your serial number and click OK.

3) Name the file server.

4) Enter an Admin Key and then click OK.

IMPORTANT: Remember your Admin Key! This is the last time you'll see the Admin Key on the screen. Record it somewhere. Replacing a forgotten Admin Key is difficult and time consuming. See the "Troubleshooting" chapter in your setup manual for instructions on replacing the Admin Key.

5) Confirm the Admin Key and then click OK.

6) Enter your administrator name and password and then click OK.

After a few moments, you see three windows -- the User List, Group List, and User Information windows. For now, you will work only with the User Information window. Each user account you create will have its own User Information window. This one is for you as the administrator.

7) Enter an administrator name in the Name box.

8) Enter a password.

IMPORTANT: Don't use a password that is the same as the Admin Key. Keeping the two distinct provides an added level of server security.

Verify your AppleShare options. These options are explained in the section "Registering Users" in Chapter 2 of the AppleShare administrator's guide.

10) Click Save.

11) Close the User information window.

Allowing or Denying Guest Access
If you allow guest access, anyone connected to the network can log on to the file server. If you deny guest access, only registered users can log on. The program is preset to deny guest access.

IMPORTANT: If you are not sure whether to allow guest access, do nothing for now. You can always change the setting later.

1) Open the User List window, if it isn't already open.

2) Double-click the <Any User> entry in the User List window.

3) Click the Login Enabled checkbox to place an X in it.

4) Click Save.

5) Close the User Information window.

Registering Users
Registering users means assigning each user a personal file server account. Each user you register is listed in the Users and Groups Data File kept in the server's Preferences folder.

1) Choose Create User from the Users menu.

2) Enter the user's name.

3) Enter a password.

4) Select this user's AppleShare options.

Here's a brief summary of how these options function:

Login Enabled lets the user log on to the file server. You must select this option to let the user gain access to the file server.

Change Password Enabled lets the user change his or her own password.

All Privileges Enabled gives the user access to all volumes and folders on the server computer, regardless of whether you've shared them.

Require New Password on Next Login makes the user change the password the first time they log on to the file server.

Program Linking Enabled allows a user to create a link between a program on the server and a program on the user's computer. If other networking services are installed on the server computer, the list of options may be longer.

5) Click Save to confirm the entries.

6) Close the User Information window.

7) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for each user you want to register.

Setting Up and Adding Members to Groups
Creating groups allows you to consolidate access privileges for volumes and folders available on the file server. For more information, see Chapter 2, "Setting Up File Service," in the AppleShare administrator's guide.

1) Choose Create Group from the Groups menu.

2) Enter a name for the group.

3) Click Save.

4) Choose User List from the Users menu, then select the users you want to assign to this group.

5) Drag the icons representing the users you selected to the Members box in the group window.

6) Close the group window.

Sharing Volumes and Folders and Setting Access Privileges
Now that you've registered users and created groups, you need to share volumes on the file server. This means you will indicate which hard disks and folders you want to make available to users on the file server. If you need more than the following information, refer to the documentation for a complete description of sharing volumes and setting access privileges.

1) Choose Access Information from the Privileges menu.

2) Select a volume -- or a folder from within a volume -- from the Volumes list.

IMPORTANT: When you share an entire hard disk, all of the folders contained on it are available to users. Also, AppleShare Pro does not allow you to share the "/" volume. You must share specific folders within the / volume to share the contents of the / volume. Also, if you choose a mount point for a shared disk within a volume or folder, you cannot share the enclosing volume or folder. Disks that are mounted within a folder must be shared through explicit privileges. See the "AppleShare Pro Administrator's Guide" for additional information.

3) Click Share to share the selected volume or folder.

NOTE: The Share button changes to an Unshare button each time you share a selected volume or folder.

4) For folders, click the Same as Enclosing Folder option to remove the X.

5) If necessary, assign an owner to the volume or folder. You can change ownership if you want, using the following procedure:

5-a) Select the volume or folder in the Shared Items box.

5-b) Select the user or group you're assigning ownership to.

5-c) Select the icon of that user or group and drag it to the Owner box in the Access Information window.

6) Assign a user or group to the volume or folder.

You need to indicate which user or group will have access privileges for each shared item:

6-a) Choose User List from the Users menu or Group List from the Groups menu.

6-b) Select the user or group you're assigning privileges to. You can choose one user or one group.

6-c) Select the icon of that user or group and drag it to the User/Group box in the Access Information window.

7) Select the access privileges for the volume or folder.

8) Select the access privileges for guests by clicking the appropriate boxes for Everyone.

9) If you want to apply the same access privileges to all the folders within the volume or folder you've shared, click the Change All Enclosed Folders checkbox to place an X in it.

10) Click Save.

11) Click the button representing the choice you want and click OK.

12) Repeat steps 2 through 11 for each item you want to share.

13) Close the Access Information window.

14) Quit the AppleShare Admin program.

Starting the AppleShare File Server Program
Choose the AppleShare File Server program alias from the Apple menu.

Setting Up Print Services
This section explains how to capture a printer for spooling documents over the network, set printer options, and begin using print service.

1) Choose the AppleShare Print Server alias from the Apple menu.

2) Select the icon for the type of printer you want to capture in the Printer Types box.

3) If necessary, select the zone the printer is in.

4) Select the printer you wish to capture from the Available list.

5) Click Capture.

6) Select the options you want for this printer.

7) Click OK. The program captures the printer you selected. In a moment, two windows appear -- the Queue and Log windows for the captured printer.

8) Close the Queue and Log windows. You won't need to use these windows until after users begin using the print server.

9) Choose Setup from the File menu. The Setup window appears again.

10) Repeat steps 2 through 8 for each additional printer you want to capture.

11) Verify that all users have the same printer drivers installed on their computers.

NOTE: You will not experience significant Print Server performance differences between AppleShare 3.0.x, AppleShare 4.0.x, and AppleShare Pro because the bottleneck in print server performance is the printer, not the server.

Where to Get More Information
For additional information about AppleShare, you have two other sources of information:

The AppleShare 4.0.x or AppleShare Pro Administrator's Guide -- either the electronic or printed version-and Balloon Help, which is built into the AppleShare software.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012