Disk First Aid: Extra Floppy Disk Shows in Main Window

I am using Disk First Aid 7.2 after booting from Disk Tools. When Disk First Aid's main window opens I see the Disk Tools disk on the Internal Floppy Drive and I see the SCSI ID 0 for the hard drive and I also see a third floppy disk named "unknown disk". What should I do?
This issue has been occasionally reported to occur on PowerBooks. You should first make sure you do not have a RAM disk turned on in the memory control panel. To remove the extra floppy icon, you must reset your parameter ram using the following procedure:
When you restart with the Disk Tools disk and run Disk First Aid, the extra floppy will be gone.

This article was published in the "Information Alley":
Volume II, Issue 8, Page 19
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012