Mac OS: Reblessing Old System Folder After Clean Install

This article describes the process for possibly reactivating (re-blessing) the original system folder, after a clean installation, if the original System Folder was not thrown away.
Startup Disk version 9.2 and later allow you to easily switch between System Folders on the hard disk volume. Startup Disk 9.2.1 is available from Apple Software Downloads (

If you are using Mac OS 9, consider using this version of Startup Disk to more easily select and change the active System Folder.

If the steps listed below do not work, you will have to reinstall system software, then complete the steps listed in your clean install instructions.

Note: The following instructions are applicable to Mac OS 8 as well.

Due to the wide variety of situations a clean restore can be used to troubleshoot, be sure to read the instructions below carefully, in order to determine whether your overall initial issue would benefit from this procedure. If you are troubleshooting SCSI issues in particular, make sure you have resolved those issues before proceeding. If you are not sure, do not follow these steps.

To re-bless your System Folder:

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012